Chapter 1: Underrated parties 🎈

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Me: I want to write
My brain: "Ooo let's write a new story!"
Me:"Why can't we continue a story we already started?"
My brain: "Mark beaks had an abusive childhood and we should make everyone feel for him."

Me:......."DAMN IT! I want to write that now!"

Chapter 1:

It was the party of the century. The birthday of a lifetime...

But was mark enjoying himself? No but who cares? The party wasn't for him, not really..he was never a fan of parties. No- this was for the fans, and those looking for free food, who cares?

He hated the painful memories that parties always seemed to trigger-

so he recovered the way he always did, go to the bar downtown and drink.

But before he could do that, he was trapped, he had to be mr social for the crowed, the amaaaazingly talented Mark Beaks who totally cared about whatever the heck you were talking about and will definitely consider any ludicrous idea you had. Because that's who he was.

"Mr beaks, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm sure it is"He said.

"Boy do I have a deal for you sir-"

He stopped listening- put on the straight poker face- watch the guys jaw go up and down. When will he stop talking?

Maybe he should've been a scientist...they don't have to deal with this kind of stuff...but they don't get attention until they're dead...and he couldn't wait that long...

His mother hosted/attended parties like this all the time, it was a responsibility or something for her to-

When she did go to these boring parties she would sometimes hire someone to look after Mark (They'd always speak a different language and yell for some reason) but sometimes he was forced to join the parties, and he hated every second.

Back then his mom ran a very successful fashion magazine, yeah...she was always the type of person to make others feel bad for their looks and any other imperfections she could find. Very wealthy woman with a successful career anyone would be impressed by. (Unless you're her son)

"Hello Mr Bulbul"She shook his hand.

"Mrs glamour, it's a pleasure as always. Who might this be?"He gestured to the child beside her.

She sighed looking toward her son, being completely rude as usual, beak in a book instead of introducing himself like he should, "This is my son, Marcus"She said trying to get the kids attention by placing a hand on his shoulder but he didn't seem to notice.

"Marcus"She said a little louder.

"What?"He looked up.

She grabbed his book and placed it on her side of the table "This is Mr Bulbul."

"Hi"He said and shook his hand, his mind was more focused on where she put his book but he knew the drill.

"Hello Marcus, I've heard so much about you."

"Ok"He said, unsure what the proper response to that statement was,

"Mom, can I please have my book back?"

She looked at him and shook her head in disbelief, "Please excuse my sons bad manners, he spends too much time with his father."

He shakes his head and laughs, "Don't even worry- I know how kids can be- say Marcus I'll bet it will interest you to know that there's a basketball court outside, there are kids already out there playing."

"Actually no- that doesn't interest me at all."

"Marcus you're embarrassing yourself"His mother said.

"I was just being honest"He said defensively.

"Honesty is for the rich. When you grow up, and run your own business and make your own money you can be honest. But as for now you can go ahead and apologize for your rude behavior."

"Fine..."He looked up at what's-his name-

And simply said, "I'm sorry for my inexcusable behavior, I will try to be more dishonest in the future."

The man gave a uncomfortable smile, "Uh there's somewhere else I have to be, good day Mrs glamour"And left as easily as he came.

"You disappoint me Marcus"She says.

"Can I have my book back now?"He asked.

She gave her son an disapproval glare, "I'm just going to keep this until you learn how to act appropriately"She said placing the book in her bag.

"Come onnnn pleaase!"He begged, "I'm so bored."

"Then you can play with the other kids."

"Ugh but I hate everyone!"He wined.

"And they probably hate you too. Based on the way you're acting, I don't know if I like you either, you'll never amount to anything! Explain how someone like me wind up with a worthless, ungrateful, talentless child like you?"

Man did she know how to make people feel bad- it wasn't the first time he heard it- he was use to hurtful comments by now. In moments like these how does one react to such a statement? He can't cry because his father always said that was for the weak, there wasn't really anything he could do- so he make a joke, "I don't know...evolution?"

"Go away. I don't care what you do, just don't do it here. You're embarrassing me."

Grunting he grabbed his bag to find somewhere to be, he definitely didn't want to be social with any rich kids so.....hide outside and do homework until his mom decides to leave it is..

When that guy finally stopped talking to beaks, he smiled, "Oh yeah that's very interesting- someone make a note of that!"He demands.

He hid away from the crowd for a few more minutes then left them.

They don't need him in order to use him anyway...

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