Chapter 5 - the... Last Note?

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Mark: who was he?

Erin: i dont know, that house was abandonated since i came

Mark: holy frick

Erin: let's, just... not go there again

Erin starts putting down the map under his bed

Mark: hey, what are you doing

Erin: i dont know, i thought you wanted to put this down

Mark: of course not, we reached so far

Erin: your right

Mark: so, let's see where's the third location

Erin: huh, weird, is my own house

Mark: uh... what do you mean

Erin: im just mocking you hahaha

Mark: heh, good one

Erin: ok so, the next note is at the public hospital

Mark: then let's go

Erin: okok, let me grab the car keys really fast

Mark: wait, you have a car?

Erin: uh, you thought the car was from my mom?

Mark: well, yeah

Erin: no, since she crashed the car, never drived again

Mark: oh, but still, let's go walking, so is more like "ADVENTURE"

Erin: uuhg, but you are carrying me half way

Mark: haha ok

They started walking to the location

Mark: wow, you are so weightless

Erin: well yeah, what you thought?

Mark: haha true, i have to stop assuming

Erin: yeah haha

Times goes by and Erin falls asleep
And for obvious reasons, he falls.... one more time

Erin: AAHG!!


Erin: yeah, ouch, this happends me daily

Mark: i see haha, anyways, we are here

Erin: let's find the note

After 30 minutes of strong search they see a girl with a paper who looks like those notes
And obviously they went to her

Erin: hey little girl, where did you get that note?

???: i found it... somewhere

Mark: can we see the note?

???: nO

Erin: but we need that paper

???: nO

Mark: what about if we give you... this rock

???: nO

Erin: HEY, dont give her the rock, the rock is more importaaaaant

???: Gimme rock

Mark: only if you give me the note

???: oke :D

after they get the paper, they hear a woman voice asking for her daughter


Aubrey: Here mom!!

Aubrey mom: omg, you got me worried, who are theese strangers

Aubrey: they wanted to make a deal with me

after 0.001 seconds they started running



after a long run they manage to lose the woman

Erin: oh nononono, this can't be happening

Mark: what? you dont like the adrenaline?

Erin: oh nono, the people of the town will think we are pedos

Mark: uh, this isn't a town, this is a city you know?

Erin: BUT STILL!!!!

Mark: dont be so exagerated haha

after a few minutes of calming

Mark: let's read the note

Erin: o..ok

Mark: you still nerveous?

Erin: shut

Mark: ok :c

Erin: it says

-- --- ---- ---- by, the ----- ---- -- ----
-- --- ----- ---- --- --- curse ---- -- ------
---- --- ---- --- --- curse -- --- ---- -- -------- --- --
consuming one ---- -----
-- - slowly ---- -- ----

Mark: hmm, i think we should put everything together

Erin: you probably right

5 minutes later of writing

Erin: ok so, i have all the text here

Mark: Read it please

"As the days goes by, the curse will be weak
  As the night goes by, the curse will be strong

Find the cure for the curse or you will be destroyed for it
Consuming one each other
in a slowly path of ----"

Mark: and what's the last part?

Erin: i dont know, but i think this last map will tell us, because it has no letter

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