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It was a shabby place, a pretty old building which is obviously abandoned by how it looks. The walls that was once painted with clean white paint were now vandalized with large cracks sitting on it. Vines were growing on the outside of it's walls and paint no longer vibrant as before instead dirt stains covered some areas of the building.

At a distance, it would seem like a normal abandoned and decaying building yet people were clueless of what is exactly going on in there, especially at night.

A sinister laughter echoed throughout the whole third floor of the building, as if the man was possessed by some demonic spirit. The laughter was then followed by the pitter-patter of quick and light footsteps chiming harmoniously. This brought a smirk to his face. This is his most favorite part, the chase.

Nothing can beat the euphoric pleasure that fills inside his whole vessel like the pleasure of chasing his prey. The smell of that metallic liquid entering his nostrils makes him deranged, makes his mind numbingly orgasmic. The pathetic cries and beg for help of his prey bring him to the brink of happiness.

He scrapes the sharp tip of the knife against the walls making an awful sound as he whistles like a maniac. A smirk gradually appeared to his face and chuckled lightly as the worthless begging and pleas of the man reverberate through his ears. Trying to pluck a little empathy that he absolutely don't have.

Pathetic is all that stretched across his mind. Such a frail and pitiful man he was before him. It only urges him to completely wreck him and tear him into pieces.

The man limps his way through the unending hallway while clutching his left side abdomen as he use his other hand to cling against the rough walls for support. He must endure it, he has to. He can't die, he ain't ready for that yet.

His body felt so drained, heavy and gross. Blood had dried in his skin and his whole body felt so sticky from not being able to shower for how many days. He was completely debilitated and frazzled, and so proximate to death he could feel his scrawny and gaunt claws.

He's been imprisoned in the underground basement of the building for days and kept hidden from the world, locked up in a medium-size cage he was force into whilst being tethered to the railings of the cage, the chains were so firmly clenched to his skin that it dug into his flesh causing his chafed epidermis to form a dark purple hue which lead to his skin bleeding.

He was tortured and completely starved to death. The man barely gave him water and food causing his body to weakened. The reason behind his anguish and torment was still unknown yo him. He didn't understand why he had to go through all of this misery or why does the man had took him, tortured him and put him in affliction, force him to do things that will torment and haunt him in his nightmares for the rest of his life.

But one thing is for sure, the man is pure evil, a psychopath who he had only seen in movies.

The man is surely devoid of emotions, bereft of empathy and no feelings. He had no leniency and doesn't show remorse to whatever he's done or who he had cause pain and trauma.

He's a sadist through and through and it's just Jaeyon  had fallen to be unlucky enough to be confined in his bait.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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