Grand-pa And ChrisNa

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"Hi, do you sell Grand-Pa Headache Powder?
" Yes," she said, with a very solemn face.
"Give me two", I said, "and a half a litre coke too",
She smiled, flowers opened up and birds began to sing,

"I'm sorry", she said, "I can't give that to you,
You're not sick at all and you don't look blue,
I see your smile and l heard your sigh
It's quite obvious you want to get high."

"But but but" l flustered, as I tried to explain,
"l have a most terrible headache with lots and lots of pain,
Grand-pa is the only thing that takes it away,
Please can l have two?" l begged, "Please say okay?"

We were the only two in the shop,
My heart beat faster and it really wouldn't stop,
Did my headache give me illusions or was it her face?
I wished my heart would stop this fantastic pace,

I wished the birds would stop growing and the flowers stop singing,
I think I thought I wished my head would stop spinning,
My head was amuck and my thoughts gone wild,
I wished the sea would stop crashing and the moon stopped the tide,

My face melted as she finally spoke,
"The grand-pa's in the fridge and here's your two coke,
This stuff is bad for you, you're gonna die soon,
I think you're crazy, mad, a big buffoon,"

"Not as bad as sex", l said,
"So many dying, who's next?
The hiv virus is killing everyone, but who's stopping?"
And with a big smile I said, "they just keep on pomping."

I put her smile in my mouth and swallowed a lot of her voice,
My headache filtered out slowly and I heard some noise,
There were others in this place, we had never been alone,
The birds flew away and the flowers wilted, all gone,

I said my goodbyes to a smiley face,
I'll definitely come back to this very nice place.


composed and written by daryl immanuel gounder.

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