Chapter 1

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It should have been me. It should have been me waiting for her under that wooden arbor. Smiling in anticipation as she was walking down the aisle. Not him. She was supposed to be mine. She was supposed to be my lady.

I watched in agony as she was slowly drifting away from me and into the arms of my best friend, Kwon Jiyong. Their eyes sparkling for the other in promising whispers. They both turned to the priest, who looked down at his Bible and started reading the marriage vows for the couple to repeat back to the other.

"I, Kwon Jiyong, take you, Dara, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part . . ." I slightly shook my head in denial praying this was a bad dream. I closed my eyes as I heard Dara repeat her vows back.

I wanted to scream from where I sat. "No! I'm the one who've been in love with for you for so long!" I bit onto my tongue and clenched my fist.

"In the goodness of the Lord and by the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

The clapping from the crowd was deafening to my ears. I looked down at the piano keys feeling my heart tearing apart. Trying to contain my tears from surfacing.

When I glanced back up the kiss was over and they both were turned towards me. Dara raised her bouquet encouraging me to start playing. I sang my heart, "Our love was meant to be and always will forever . . . I always see you when I close my eyes, you're always on my mind." They silently watch my performance.

When I finished they smiled and clapped as the crowd followed behind. I smiled back, but it quickly vanished when they turned away. Everyone was cheering as the newlyweds walked down the aisle. Then the crowd began to throw white rose petals into the air as they fell onto the bride and groom. I watched from a distance as family and friends were congratulating them. As for me, I couldn't bring myself to congratulate them because the feeling of loss and sorrow weighted heavily down on my heart was too much to bear. I had to get away from here. I can't stay here any longer.

Before I left through the church doors, I look back one last time getting a good long look of the happy newlyweds. I silently whispered, "Goodbye, my love. I hope you and Jiyong have a happy life together. . ." Turning away, I felt the door close behind me.

It started out as a jog and turned into a full blown run. It was hard to face the painful reality that I lost the love of my life to my own best friend. The friend I trusted the most in this world betrayed me. Why didn't he tell me he had feelings for her as well? We both grew up together with Dara. We were like brothers that had the others back. I guess I was a fool to put too much trust into someone that took away the only person I ever had feelings for. And he knew I was in love with her. It was so obvious.

When I made it back home I immediately started packing my remaining belongings and tucked away my plane ticket into my back pocket. My fingers began to tremble while I was trying to wipe away the tears when I felt my legs give out on me. I ignored the pain coming from my knees and continued to cry into my bed. The choking of my sobs echoed throughout the room.

"W-why?" I sobbed. "How could everything end up like this?" In the deepest part of me, I wished that they lived an unhappy life, but I couldn't bring myself to see her suffer in that way.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a brush against my arm. I jerked my head up and met a pair of dark brown orbs that stared back at mine in sympathy. I cracked out a small smile by the sight of my beloved Boston terrier.

"Hey there, Boss" I gently caressed his small head which gave me a little comfort, but that dull heaviness still lingered. I sucked in a shaky breath and whispered, "I better finish up." I stand up while I picked up Boss and placed him inside his pet carrier. Before I turned away I caught a glimpse of confusion appearing across Bosses face. I gave out a tight smile and said, "we're moving away Boy."

I glanced around my old apartment as I could feel the emptiness sinking in. Then there was that moment of hesitation I felt, but it was already too late to back out now. I shook off the feeling and continued packing.

After I finished packing and changed into different clothes. I walked towards the door with my luggage and carrier in hand. I turn back and stared longing at my apartment. Bittersweet memories began mocking me as I glanced around the room. Pulling the door open I held my place in the doorway while I grasped onto the doorknob. I shut my eyes feeling another wave of tears wanting to escape. I wagged my head and reopened my eyes staring straight ahead and proceeded forward as I gently shut the door behind me.

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