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Life is a very precious thing. Some people think their life sucks or they think its the worse thing ever. When we really understand life and find out where we originated from we would look at life different. God wrote us a big love letter which is called the Holy Bible. We need to search the scriptures for the secrets.

The Bible testifies that we existed before the earth was created ,which mean we lived as heavenly beings before we came to earth. The reason we are here is because we sinned against God .That's why we have too read our Bible and come closer to God and ask for wisdom and knowledge and we must have strong faith that God will show us the way and open our spiritual eyes and we will see the secrets of the scriptures .The Bible even tells us we have a spiritual Mother who gives us life in the last days. So when we think of our lives is ever so bad we need too search the Scriptures and come closer too Elohim(God) so we can have more knowledge of where we came from and why we are on earth and find out how to receive eternal life and how too get back too heaven and then we wouldn't think life is all bad and we also see why we go through so much pain and suffering

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