2: Meeting a new friend!

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At the Merchant only because Rozari chose a double-ended sword, for the Beta Test round, upon logging in and Rozari nearly obliterated a few players, by the opposite end. He is starting to feel anxious around the sword.

Rozari, followed Kirito as he raced past new players; who were trying to discover the stores and the stands around the town. Rozari halted right as Kirito stopped at the merchant's store. She noticed a lady staring at Kirito and Rozari of the store. "Welcome, you can come in to look around?"

"Thank you" Kirito spoke.

"You honestly sure I need a new sword that badly," Rozari asked him

"Yes, I don't want to stand here and wait until you manage to kill me or any other player with that sword of yours" Kirito responded

Rozari eyed Kirito.

"Let's enter" he beckoning with his hand for her to follow as he pushed the door open.

Rozari opened the door and stepped into the Merchant shop door. Rozari heard someone walk out of the backroom, "hello how can I help you two?" said another  merchant

"Can we look around?" replied Kirito

"Of course" he replied.

Rozari and Kirito moved off to another area in the shop,  looking at all of the one-ended swords. She still doesn't understand why Kirito wanted her to swap swords...

It wasn't long until Rozari found a sword, it was stated as "Azure Sky Blade" and before she tested it, she made sure there was some distance between her and Kirito.

"You found a sword Azure Skyblade excellent choice" Rozari, nodded her head softly before handing it over to open the menu screen to pay before the merchant gave the sword back.

"No need to pay, consider it free" responded the merchant

"Free, thank you" replied Kirito

"Yes, thank you" Rozari spoke, pulling out her double-ended sword and putting the new sword on the back of her armour.

"I can tell you both are beta testers and for the help of helping players I owe you" spoke the Merchant

Rozari,  handed her double-ended sword over "consider it a gift or you can resell it"

'Thank you, I perhaps can do that"

When Rozari and Kirito left the Merchant's shop. Kirito glanced at Rozari, as to why she had to give her old sword back to the merchant. "I'm sorry" she replied.

As Kirito shrugged "I guess that could be alright... however let's just head back to grinding"

Kirito raced off, back toward the Origin Plains, leaving Rozari in the dust. Rozari laughed and raced back to where the Origin Plains entrance is. Although many other new players have currently entered the plaza and town. She found it harder to run without bumping into someone.

Man... never would have imagined that SAO has become this popular... Rozari also knew that she would lose Kirito in the crowd.

-   -

Rozari finally reached the Central Plaza and it was a lot crazier because new players are currently logging into the game. She couldn't even remember the entrance to the Plains... Rozari stopped after she was going in circles.

In the process, she passed a girl around her age, maybe even older, with light blue hair who has a yellow streak in her bangs. The girl stood nearby, talking to a red-haired boy with a bandana on his head.

Rozari couldn't stop looking at female player's outfit, she wearing gold armour with silver plates on certain places (like the shin, ankle, elbows, and chest) her boots were knee-high boots and it looks like she just entered aincrad. Rozari stopped abruptly.

When the girl was at the end of talking with the male player and she waved goodbye after him.  She looked around carefully and her eyes met Rozari's.

Rozari looked away and scratched her head, pretending not to stare.

She knew this player was one of the new players in sao, since she would have recognized her in the beta. Aka, she must have just logged in. The light blue haired player, bounced forward and raced to where Rozari was standing.  "Hello, I am Kiyoko, what's your name?" she ran up.

"Roz-? I am Rozari, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Kiyoko" Rozari introduced herself, with a sturdy Japanese introductory bow.

"No need for the formalities, we are here to progress through this game" laughed Kiyoko at her sudden urge to be formal.

Rozari blinked suddenly, feeling embarrassed, about using a real-world formality. "Tell me are you a beta tester also?" Rozari asked her.

Kiyoko's eyes stretched out wide, her eyes bulged out of their sockets. "Me, why yes of course I am?" she lied at the question, the girl didn't trust this player yet, so she changed the subject, "say have you ever seen Reiri anywhere around here?"

Rozari shook her head, not knowing who this 'Reiri is' "no, sorry who is that?" Even though the name sounded similar to her real life name.

"I was late coming onto this server... Reiri is my best friend in the real world, if you are wondering?" responded Kiyoko "I guess I have to search for her?"

Rozari nodded "guess so? good luck finding your friend Kiyoko"

"Thank you! I will make sure to find her, let's meet up sometime soon" she waved at her, however before Kiyoko chose to take off.

Rozari spoke to her. "I wish you luck in finding your friend!  Also, I am heading to grind on the Origin Plains with Kirito, you should come with me?"

"Maybe a little bit, I need to search for my Friend first!" Kiyoko responded right on back "it's nice to meet you Rozari, I hope to see you soon"

"You too!"

Rozari nodded at her, as Kiyoko raced off in search of her friend. Meanwhile, She leaped in the air and casually turned in mid-air and raced off to where the Origin Plains location is. Her mind was still thinking of Kiyoko as she raced away.

What a nice girl? I hope I see her again...

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