Win Again

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I'm ready! The plan was set I had back up and everything just in case cause you never know. With Benz, Roc and I we shouldnt need them though. I peeped Roc walk in and take something but it wasnt the right time for me to address it. I dismissed the goons and walked into Roc's office.

"What do you want Haddie?" She asked annoyed.

"Old boy ruined your day?" I smirked. Hell yeah I knew about Genesis, I know all about what Raquel does.

"No." She replied. I made a straight face and walked behind her. "Back up nigga." She stood up trying to walk away. I grabbed her waist and rubbed my hands up and down her thighs. I felt her tense up.

I pushed her hair out of the way and whispered in her ear. "I can treat you better than he can." I licked her ear lobe and started to kiss her neck. The door opened and Roc elbowed me in my stomach.

"I told you to back up." She says nervously. I start laughing and look up at Benz who was standing at the door.

"I loaded up the trucks." He tells us. Roc nodded and walked out of her office.

I walked to the front and signaled the three goons I was rocking with that it was time. The three got into what I like to call the trap truck. Benz, Roc, and I got into the other truck and was on our way.

"You know how it goes right?" I look at Benz and he nodded. I looked back and placed my hand on Roc's knee. She jumped and looked at me.

"Get your fucking hand off me." She mouthed. I licked my lips and removed my hand slowly. I love fucking with her.

When we got to the club Roc hopped out and opened the trunk. She grabbed the shit she was gonna need and was out.

It wasnt much for me to grab cause it wasnt like we was going to blow up the spot. As much as I wanted to Roc wouldn't allow it. I waited for the three goons to strap up and we walked in together. They went straight to their positions. Wasnt playing no games.

I walked around the club until I spotted Jaz she should be with this nigga where the fuck she at? I started to get frustrated. I cocked my gun and walked to the hallway where the bathrooms were. I looked at my watch it was 10:38. These motherfuckers had two minutes to get they asses back here. Benz met up with me the only person we was missing was Roc.

"Oh so now you gotta problem with giving me head?" Cyrus yelled. Benz and I followed his voice.

"Yes Cyrus! I do and I'm not putting up with your shit anymore." I heard a bang and then another one.

We ran up in there to see Roc fighting with Cyrus. He was throwing punches and she was taking that shit but throwing licks right back. Benz slammed Cyrus against the wall and put his forearm against his throat blocking his airway. I grabbed a chair and Benz threw him down in it. I took out my heavy chains and whipped him with it. He spit out blood and I gave him one last lick.

"Go head Roc." She got up from Jaz's bleeding head and took out something in a jar. I wasn't expecting this so I was interested to watch.

Roc threw acid in his face and watched as he screamed. "How it feel nigga?" She lit a match and threw it on him. Roc took her time filling the same jar that had the acid in it with water and throwing it on Cyrus. Watching her like this was sexy as fuck. "Thats how it feels to burn in hell." We drowned out Cyrus' screams and left the bathroom.

Roc was walking faster than everybody else. I caught up to her and made her face me. She had a bruised cheek so I kissed it. Roc punched me and continued walking out the club. Well somebody's angry. I looked back at Jaz her head was leaking with blood.

"She hit her head on the sink." Benz told me. I looked at her face as her eyes sat low.

"She gon faint man pick her up." I told Benz rushing out the club. Roc sat in the car waiting for us. She sped off making her way to the hospital.

Benz kept tapping her face so that her eyes wouldn't close. "Fuck!" He shouted punching the passengers seat.

When we got there I hopped out rushing to get Jaz into a hospital bed. "Yo my cousin hurt!" I shouted. The blood was leaking onto the hospital floor and I knew she was loosing too much blood.

The nurses came and quickly got Jazmone to a room. We sat down waiting to hear from her.

Three hours had passed and Roc was pacing back and forth. "She gon be aight." I told her. I dont even know for sure I just felt like I had to say something.

"Jazmone Carter" All three of us looked at the doctor.

"Miss Carter is in a coma we had to give her a couple stitches in the back of her head and they should heal soon."

"Yall know when she gon wake up?" Benz asked.

"The answer isn't certain but our guess is in a couple of months." Roc ran out and I followed behind her.

"She's not gonna make it Jihad." She says. I started to get mad.

"You dont know that shit Rocky! You always so fucking negative." A tear fell from her eye.

"But I do know! Everyone around me either disappears or they die." She paused. "Jihad just stay away from me I dont want you to be next." Roc mumbled. I pulled her into a hug and she punched my chest and tried her best to break free but I took those Ls.

"She gon be aight Rocky." I tell her as she cried into my chest.

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