🎶Meet xLeXiCx || Editor🎶

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Username/Nickname: I go by Lexi or Lex. 

 ⭐Active: Probably every day, but it rarely happens that something comes up IRL and then it becomes every 2 days. I try to keep it every day, though!

Genres: Well, I love everything, as long as they're not mature (too 18+ content, as I'm not strictly comfortable with that :D). I'm fine with Humor, Drama, Comedy, Fanfiction, LGBTQ, Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Romance, etc.

 Experience: Well, I can confidently say that I usually always help my friends with their works, ranging from grammar to ideas, to making it sound more adult-like. I like making my friends some ideas, quick character sketches, and more! I'm good with everything except drawing, hehe~

 ⭐Price: Oh no, I don't ask for a price! Usually, I just do it as a come and go basis, where I help them out then, and whenever I need help, if they're fine with it, they can help me. So it's usually a give and take the process for me.

⭐ Focus: I like to focus more on the wording and grammar of stories. Sometimes, people can make their novels/fanfics so that they can sound less wordy (like how this sounds), or more pleasing to the reader. I also offer in my two cents as a reader, so that they can feel where I'm coming from, being a reader too. I like to give tips on how their amazing story can become the best in the world, and even be a friend to them!
Often, I notice that even with me as a writer, I lose interest in my story and try to please the reader, instead of myself. Or, I end up aiming way too high, for goals. What even happens is that I may have a lot on my mind, so I try to help anyone with ranting to me, so their thought process feels more clear and care-free.

⭐ Long-term or short term: Well, I intend to stay there for however much time it takes for the writer to clean up their bases and have a rough idea of their story in mind so that they can start off strong! If they need me after, depending on if I'm available and free, I'll be sure to help them! But, if I feel like they're not respecting my opinions (it's fine if they don't like what I say, or don't use it! I mean that if they outright try to argue with me and it goes on another level of arguing) or blatantly disrespecting me, I may try to ease out a little. I will, though, be with my fellow humans when they need me!


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