Chapter 1

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You did NOT want to go to a new school, you were so popular in your previous school the people in the older grades even respected you. Now you had to practicly start over, and in HAWKINS of all places. Your parents loved you and you had a good relationship with them and your two older siblings (David the oldest he was your brother and Claire the middle your sister)

In the end your protests didn't work, and you moved for you parents 'important business' you weren't allowed know what it was about, all you new was they were famous enough scientists and we're offered alot of money to work in some lab. You didn't really care anyway. You unpacked and hid in your room for the first week being there. Luckily your parents wanted you to settle in before being thrown into school in the middle of the year. You put up some posters, hung up your clothes, shelved your books, decorated your bed with pillows and blankets and hid your nerdy stuff at the back of your closet. You were a bit of a nerd always had the best grades but never let anybody know about your love for  starwars.

Your first day of school came quicker then you would have liked but you changed into dark denim overalls with a neon pink jumper underneath it because that was your style at the time (tho it often changed to fit trends) you put a Y/F/C scrunchy on your wrist, some socks and white converse on and skipped down the stairs where you were greeted by your sister who had made you breakfast. "aww thanks Claire! Your the best" you huged her putting on and innocent act, you did love your sister but this is not what you acted like outside of the family. "I know I am" she sarcastically says while doing an over the top pose and smiling. You rolled your eyes and tucked into you favorite breakfast _insert here_ after you were done you sprinted out the door because you are supposed to get their early to meat the teachers and principal. Luckily you lived close to the school

When you arrived you walked in and easily located the principals office and knocked, you heard a small "come in" and you slowly opend the door to see the principal sitting across from a tired looking man with a beard. With further inspection of the man  you could see he was a Chief Hopper (it was pretty easy to see on his big badge). Interrupting you thoughts you heard the principal speak once more "ahh you must be the new girl" you looked back at his happy face and nodded cautiously "come in come in" he insisted you walked in the door clutching the straps of your back pack. He explained to you about your classes and handed you a schedule timetable thing that you knew was going in the bin by the end of the day. The other man just stayed quiet and stared at you during your talk with the principal witch just made you more uncomfortable then you already were. You were asked to wait outside the office until the people who offered to 'tour you' showed up.

As you waited you fiddled with your scrunchy and looked around yourself abit. You heard a bang in the distance and running feet witch made you jump then you saw three boys turn into the hallway you were standing in. They were panting and sweaty they didn't even seem to see you because they burst into the principals office. "sorry we're late" a lanky boy with black curlish hair says while the other two half nod the closest boy to you was a dark skinned smaller boy but he was around the same hight as you. The other boy had big curly lighy brown hair and he had his hands on his knees while he furiously panted. None of the boys that stood in the doorway looked like they did any sports they look like if God just made complete opposite people of you.
"Boys what did I tell you about knocking?!" The principal questioned sternly and he had a completely different tone in his voice to when you were talking to him. "Sorry!" the three boys quickly said in unison before the one in the middle stepped back closed the door and knocked waiting for an answer. You wanted to laugh but they still hadn't seen you so you just stared. "Come in..." You heard the principal sigh the boys rushed in and apologized once more the boys were surprised to see Hopper sitting there and they went a little pink from embarrassment (so they weren't very observant either). "Now Y/N you can come back in now" you heard the principal call so you walked in and now that people were here you had to make a 'good impression' mostly show them how cool you were. "Now Y/N this is Lucas Sinclair" he pointed to the small dark boy and he gave a small wave, "this is Mike Wheeler" he pointed to the middle boy with black hair who kinda looked like he was the leader of the group, "and this is Dustin Henderson!" He finished and you turned to Dustin and he gave a big 'toothy?' smile. "Nice to meat you!" Dustin smiled while sticking out his hand for you to shake. "Yeah thanks" you half heartedly said while you shook his hand but he was still shaking it for a unusual amount of time. You cleared your throat and he quickly took his and away and blushed "these are the boys that are touring you Y/N" the principal said happily breaking the awkward silence, you looked back at the boys who awkwardly smiled. "Ok" you said with a pinch of a grown because you could easily tell they were the biggist nerds in the school. "I'll leave you to it then" the principal lighy pushed you and the boys out the door and closes it behind you. You turn to tho boys but they had their backs to you huddled together whispering it made you very uncomfortable "You know it's rude to whisper about someone infront of them" you stated. The three boys jumped and spun around to face you "n-no we weren't" Lucas stuttered "y-yeah you were" you mocked, the boys were taken aback by your sass "can you just show me were my classrooms are if it's not that hard" you put your had on your hip as you looked at them expectantly. Some yeahs and sorrys were said before Dustin spoke up "what classes are you in?" You read out your classes and 'just your luck' you were in the same classes as ALL of them.
Soon after the boys awkwardly showed you around everyone started arriving and the bell rang for class.

Of course you were already 'the talk' of everyone in your year and other years and you had figured out who the popular girls were in your first to classes (English and maths)and your plan was in motion. "Hi I'm Y/N" you said when you walked up to a group of girls that you saw in your English class that gave of the 'Queen bee' vibes, they just stared at you one of them obnoxiously chewing hot pink bubble gum you weren't Shure if they were looking at you and ignoring you or if they were examining you so you decided to speak again "nice to meat you" you put out your hand for them to shake, that worked when you did it in your old school the five girls just laughed at you commenting about your hair and how it looked so greasy (even though you washed it the day before ) "why do you dress like that!?" a blonde haired girl asked you or you think she asked you because you looked great in your opinion "like what?" You asked a bit nervous now. "A homeless person!" She nearly yelled so everyone around you heard, you heard some laughing from other people and the girls infront of you were giggling. You looked around embarrassed then tried to think of something to say when she spoke again " or a Y/H/C rat!" The other girls were laughing so hard like it was the funniest thing they have ever heard. You were on the brink of tears so you turned around quickly and basically ran of until you found a bathroom to cry in "this was supposed to be easy" you thought to yourself. Popularity was something that was given to you at your old school and you were the one making fun of nerdy girls and guys with your four other friends. You dried your tears skipped lunch to avoid further embarrassment and finished the school day avoiding talking as much as possible.

When you were walking home you saw Mike, Dustin and Lucas cycling home at full speed yelling and muttering at the same time about a boy named Will you paid it no mind so you faced forward again waiting for them to pass you and wiping away a couple of tears when all of a sudden you hear a loud "LOOK OUT!!" and you were ran over by one of there bikes whacking your face of the concrete road and... Black

look out! A slow burn Dustin Henderson x reader fic Where stories live. Discover now