Chapter One: The Creation Stage

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It was late at night in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle was on her computer, where she had been for hours. Her adopted brother, Spike, woke up to see her still working. "Twi? I think you should get some sleep. You've been on your computer for such a long time, and I'm worried." Twilight stopped typing and turned around to face Spike. "Spike, this project is important. I have to keep working!" She raised her voice slightly during that last sentence. Spike, irritated, responded, "Jeez, someone's moody. Anyways, what's this "Important Project" that you've been working on?" Twilight got serious. She stated, "I am creating computerized beings, each with their own special talents. I will be able to communicate with them through my microphone, and they will be able to communicate with me through the screen. They have artificial intelligence, so they will act like real humans. Of course, I'm only in the creation stage, where I create the models." Twilight sighed. "After the creation stage comes the programming stage, then the testing stage, and if they don't work properly, I'll go back to the programming stage. I have a whole lot of work ahead of me." Spike looked confused. "Okay... Any-who, I'm going to go back to bed." Spike went back to bed as Twilight continued creating her models. She finally finished creating them the afternoon of the next day. Twilight slumped in her chair. "D-done..." She murmured as she slowly fell asleep. Spike saw her, and wanted to find a way to get Twi into her bed. He finally settled on the method of wheeling her chair over next to her bed and putting her on her bed. It wasn't easy. When Twilight woke up, Spike was making breakfast. "Spike? How long did I sleep for?" Spike jumped a little bit at the sound of Twilight's voice, then turned around. "You were out for about 13 hours. I think it's great that you finally slept." Spike smiled. "Want some bacon and eggs?" Twilight got out of bed, giving Spike a nod. After breakfast, Twilight decided to show Spike her models. The first was a female model with light blue skin. Her eyes were glowing a dark magenta color and she had choppy rainbow hair. She was wearing a white jumpsuit with a symbol in the middle that resembled a cloud with a red, yellow, and blue lightning bolt. The next model was a female with pale yellow skin. She had glowing blue-green eyes, and long, pink hair that curled at the ends. She had the same white jumpsuit, but her symbol resembled three pink butterflies. "Their names are Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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