Episode Two: Return of the Mighty Losers Part Two

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//Helloooooo um before the chapter starts I just wanna get some stuff out there

First of all, thank you so much for all of the comments and votes on the first chapter!! I was really nervous posting this because this is VERY self indulgent and I wasn't sure if people would like it. But all of your comments warmed my heart ☺☺

Second, I've been doing a lot of planning for this fic (that should've been done earlier lmao) and I finally have all of the challenges and eliminations planned. I went into this fic knowing some of the eliminations and who exactly I wanted to win, so if you don't like the eliminations, I'm sorry. Odds are, I didn't want to eliminate them either.

Onto the chapter!!


Last episode on Total Drama Benchwarmers, we were reintroduced to Total Drama's biggest losers, back again to try and win 1 million. Right from the start, tension and drama grew  between the campers. Anne Maria seemed to find and interest in resident model Justin, and Katie and Sadie were yet again separated. Can they survive this first challenge? Find out now, on Total! Drama! Benchwarmers! 


"I hope you're ready... because the challenge starts NOW!" Chris yelled, blowing an air horn.


"EVERYBODY ON MY LOSER TEAM, FOLLOW ME!" Eva bellowed before marching to the edge of the forest. The other looked around at each other nervously, then decided facing Eva's wrath wasn't worth it, and followed her. They ended up hiding behind a cluster of trees and bushes, temporarily safe from Chef.

"Uh... ma'am?" Brick began. "Shouldn't we be gathering supplies?"

"No, you idiot! We need a plan!" Eva shouted. "We can't just grab a bunch of junk and expect it to work! There's no way I'm sleeping on the stupid ground because you guys grabbed a bunch of stupid stuff."

"Ah, I see!" Brick replied. "Sorry ma'am for doubting you!" Eva looked a bit weirded out by his words, but shrugged it off.

"So uh, what are we going to try to build?" Cody asked.

"How about a treehouse?" Tyler exclaimed. "That would be awesome!"

"I don't trust any of the supplies Chris is giving us to be strong enough to make a treehouse, pass," Noah argued, rolling his eyes. "We should just make a cabin or tent of some sort."

"My apologies, but a tent would be far too dangerous to stay in this whole time!" Brick commented. " We don't know what kind of animals are out there!" And with that, the team began arguing over the simple question of what shelter to build.

"A treehouse would protect us-"

"It won't be sturdy-"

"Sadie would know what to do-"

"Shut about Sadie would you-"


Everyone fell silent at the noise, and turned to the source. The source happened to be a slightly annoyed B, who pointed toward the ground in front of him. While they had been shouting, B had drawn out an idea for their shelter. The group gathered around, nodding and giving their approval.

"This... doesn't suck." Eva said. "Alright, everyone except... Tyler and Noah, go find us useful stuff, and DON'T MESS UP!" The others looked at her, unsure. "NOW!" In a flash, the teens jumped up and ran, save for Tyler and Noah.

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