Chapter 4- Miss Zhao

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I walk down the street back home, my backpack swung over one shoulder. As I'm only a few feet from the apartment building, I find myself walking into the small bookstore. I step in and a small bell chimes. The scent of pumpkin cinnamon fills my nostrils. The shop looks extremely quaint, and homey, but also a bit mystical. I glance around and see multiple shelves that reach to the ceiling, covered in books. A large red carpet is spread out across the floor, a golden chandelier hangs from the ceiling and a few worn wooden tables are set up, with chairs places neatly around them. As I'm looking around I then notice a dark wood spiral staircase leading up to a loft with more shelves and two couches that looks out over the shop.

"Hello there, young lady." I quickly turn around to see a old Chinese woman with gray hair pulled into a bun, walking towards me.

"Oh, hello." I say, waving.

"What brings you to my little shop?" The woman asks, her eyes sparkling.

"I'm not really sure, myself...something just kinda pulled me in here." I suddenly realize how crazy that must've sounded. "That sounded way less crazy in my head..." I chuckle.

The woman simply shakes her head. "No, you don't sound crazy dear child."

I chuckle. "That's a relief. So what kind of books do you have here?" I ask, glancing around.

"I have many different types. Unfortunately many are more old fashioned, so people don't always like to stop by." The woman sighs.

"I'm sorry."

"No no, don't feel bad. Sulking shall get us nowhere. My name is Miss Zhao." She hold out her wrinkly old hand. I shake it and smile.

"(Yn)" I say.

"(Yn), such a lovely name. Please feel free to stop by my little shop any time." Miss Zhao says.

"Of course." I glance down at the red sweater she's wearing. A brown pin with a elk antlers poking out is placed on it. "That's such a pretty pin." I say, gesturing towards it.

"Oh this?" Miss Zhao pats the pin and chuckles. "This was a gift from my father many years ago. It was that last thing I was given before he passed away."

"Oh, I'm very sorry..." I say looking down.

"No, it's alright. He lived a good life."

Suddenly my phone chimes. "Just a moment." I say, pulling out my phone. I read the message:

Where are you? Did you get lost?

My mom. "I'm so sorry, but my mom is wondering where I am. I have to get going now."

"Of course. Please stop by again."

"You can count on it." I say as I walk out the door and give Miss Zhao one more wave before shutting it behind me.


After completing my homework, I head up to the rooftop. I walk to the edge of the roof as Kitti's voice interrupts my thoughts. "(Yn)? What are we doing up here?" Kitti asks, sitting on my right shoulder.

"I figured I could start patrolling New York. There are way more people so more people might need help." I say, glancing around. I duck behind a stack of crates and transform into Alley Cat.

As I leap across the rooftops of New York City, I let out a happy sigh. This feels just like Paris...the wind blowing through my hair and cat ears, the city noises, and of course the rooftop parkour. The only thing that's missing is...Chat Noir...

I stop leaping for a moment and find myself standing on top of a tall glass building. I sit on the edge and dangle my feet of the side. I take a couple deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I pull out my mirror and dial Chats number, but he doesn't respond. Figures...New York time is five hours behind Paris. It's already 1 A.M. there...

I close my eyes for a bit until my cat ears pick up on a sound. It sounds like screaming...
I quickly jump up and bolt in the direction of the sound. I arrive in the back of an old alleyway, behind a building. I carefully stick my mirror around the corner of the building and reflect what's happening on the other side over to me. I see a young woman wearing all designer brands. Her platinum blonde hair is perfectly straight, including her bangs. "Please leave me alone!" She pleads, defensively clutching her purse.

"All we want is the bag. Is that really so much to ask for, sweetheart?" A middle aged man says, a bandanna covering his mouth. Two other men stand beside him, one with dark skin and curly hair who's smoking a cigarette, and the other with pure white skin and gray hood pulled over his head.
"If she won't hand over the bag, we'll just take the whole package." The pure white skinned man says, roughly grabbing her by the arms.

The woman let's out another shriek, and begins flailing around in his arms. "Let me go you rats!!" She yells.

I secure my mirror on my belt, and run onto the scene. "The woman said to let her go." I say, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Oi, what's with the costume?" The black guy says, letting out a puff of smoke.

"My name is Alley Cat, and unless you would like to know what cats do to rats like the three of you, I'd suggest you leave this nice woman alone." I say firmly.

The three men all look at me and burst out into laughter. The woman rolls her eyes.

I clench my jaw and put my claws out. I sprint towards the men and begin scratching and kicking the man with the hood. I ball my hand into a fist, and punch the other man next to him. A couple of minutes later the three men have their hands on the air and bruises on their bodies. The man with the hood's clothes are completely shredded. "Okay okay, we'll leave her alone!! Please just don't hurt us anymore..." the man with the bandanna pleads.

"This is your only chance. If I catch you again," I put my claws out and show them to him. "You'll regret it."

The men all bolt away, and I approach the woman. "Are you alright ma'am?" I ask, holding out a hand to her. She takes it and I help her up. "Thankyou so much! You said your name is Alley Cat correct?" She asks.

I nod. She pulls me in for a hug, and thanks me again. She picks up her bags and leaves the alleyway, leaving me alone. I stay put there for a few moments smiling to myself. It felt amazing to be Alley Cat again.

I suddenly here a slow, empty clapping behind me. "Wow. Now Wasn't that impressive~" I look up to the voice, and in the shadows of the alleyway I see the face of someone who looked to be my age, grinning a bright white Cheshire Cat smile, his masked eyes twinkling. He opens his mouth and asks a question, the words slowly rolling off his tongue.  "So I suppose your my new partner then?"

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now