Chapter 1

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Paul's POV

I couldn't believe it after all the years I spent on planning and preparing for what I would do if I was caught I had never actually considered the possibility...

Of actually being caught...

But here I was beaten from the torture I had received in the past 24 hours. That was the punishment around here for a traitor, a mole, a rat. And I was caught now I was to die. But Pat would to he was in on it since he found out two years ago. I was reluctant to let him join me. I feared if he were caught Red Leader would put us against one another. We argued about who would take the blame if we were caught. We both wanted the other to live if our secret was found out. And I was going to take the fall.

"It was all me sir", I lied, "Just me no one else... Pat had nothing to do with this". I looked up at the man I had once admired and feared I knew i was going to die.

'Yes so you've said, but we both know that's not true. You two are way to close to not be working together to betray me and my army", Red Leader said. The worst part was that he was right, but i wasn't going to let him believe he was.

"No Pat was a shield I used him to make it seem I was doing nothing suspicious. No one would suspect me. A perfect human shield, become "best friends" with the Red Leaders right hand man and I didn't have to worry about a bullet going through my head".

"But yet here you are about to die", Red Leader said with venom in his voice. I knew he never imagined me betraying him, he was just as surprised when Pat found out about my plans.

"I even convinced him I loved him. I toyed with him made him think I loved him. Date the fearsome Red Leader's right hand man, and you will never have to worry again", but it was all a lie i couldn't even let my eyes show the love I had for him, i couldn't let the lies I was telling be revealed through my eyes. I just had to hope Pat knew none of this was true.

Paultryk traitor auWhere stories live. Discover now