Chapter 17

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"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."— Marilyn Monroe

Chapter 17 -Zoya

I had been avoiding Ezio for the last two weeks. I don't know what to tell him.

Oh, you know, I broke up with my fiancé. Let's make out and fuck.

Ugh, I am going crazy. I want to see him and talk to him. Every time he texted me or called me, I just ended the conversation as fast as I could. I didn't tell him about Lorenzo. The fact that he cheated on me in my apartment on my bed with his personal assistant is disgusting.

I am still working at Castillo Inc. I have typed a resignation letter that I plan on submitting today. I am getting tired of seeing Lorenzo everywhere I go. He is still trying to talk to me and explain that he didn't cheat on me.

He also fired Scarlett. Firing her doesn't erase his mistakes. Lorenzo still slept with her and hurt me in the process.

I parked my car at the parking lot of Castillo Inc. and walked inside the building. A lot of people stopped what they were doing and looked up at me. Some started to whisper as others said good morning.

I walked into the elevator as many people greeted me again. They were all surprisingly quiet. Rumors around the office spread pretty fast in the last two weeks that Lorenzo and I broke up. A missing ring on my finger doesn't help my case either.

I got off at my floor and walked toward my office.

"Hey Zoya," my supervisor yelled towards me.

"Hey, good morning," I smiled at her.

"I have some paperwork I need you to sign and drop off at Mr. Lorenzo Castillo's office by four today. Can you do that for me," she asked, handing me a file.

"Yes, I can do that before I leave today," I told her.

She smiled and walked away, going towards her office. I unlocked my office and turned on the lights in the room. There was a set of flowers sitting on my desk.

The flowers are jasmine and white roses. I looked at the note that was attached to the flowers.

'Please hear me out. I would die before I even think about cheating on you. I am being framed. Scarlett drugged me that night. They found Rohypnol in my urine. Please come to my office, and we will talk. I love you, Zoya. I will never do anything to hurt you- Enzo' 

I ripped up the note and threw it inside the trash can, and I threw the flowers away. I am done listening to him.

He has money. Lorenzo can pay doctors to fake his report.

I placed the file down next to my keyboard and turned on my computer. I have started my morning responding to my emails and directing the new contacts to my supervisor and coworkers. I have told them today is my last day at this job, so my supervisor and coworkers will help them the best in the future when I am not here.

I looked at the file that Crystal gave me and signed the papers that needed my signature. I sighed and closed the files and looked at the time. It's only twelve-thirty in the afternoon, and the day is going by so slow.

I opened the document where I type my letter of resignation. I started to proofread it one more time.

There was a sudden knock on my door. Without looking up from my computer, I yelled, "yes, come in." I heard the door click open as the person quietly walked in. I also heard the person shut the door and lock it behind them.

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