Chapter 1: A Dare Gone Wrong

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"Potter!" Draco yelled pausing in the corridor.

Harry turned around in surprise, eyebrows raising once he realized who called his name. He started to say something but stopped in surprise when Draco started sprinting towards him. Draco slammed Harry against the wall winding his hand around Harry's head to stop it from banging against the wall. Harry started to make a sound of protest but it was cut off when Draco's mouth slammed into his. Draco's mouth moved fervently against Harry's and Harry closed his eyes and kissed him back before he realized what he was doing.

Draco opened his mouth a little wider and Harry came to his senses. His eyes flew open and he shoved at Draco's chest. Draco's eyes opened looking glazed. Slowly they started to clear and he looked confused for a second before a horrified look came onto his face. He stared at Harry his face going redder by the second and opened his mouth to say something, but Harry beat him to it.

"What the fuck was that Malfoy?!" Harry spluttered, hands still splayed against the wall. Draco's eyes opened wider before they cleared and his usual disdainful mask came up and hid any emotion.

"That, Potter, was a dare and now that its over i'll be leaving" he said with his jaw clenched and made as to leave.

Harry lunged forward and grabbed Draco's arm. He turned around in surprise as Harry started talking "And you couldn't have just said no instead of fucking slamming me against a wall, Malfoy?" Harry asked incredulously.

Draco rolled his eyes and sneered at him. "It was Wizards Truth or Dare Potter, you cant refuse. And get the fuck off of me" he said as he jerked his arm back. Harry blinked.

"So your dare was to kiss me?" He asked. Draco blushed again before answering a second later.

"Yes Potter." he snapped. "And kissing you was bad enough, i'd rather not endure answering all your half-witted questions as well."

"Well don't worry it was plenty unpleasant from both end,s Malfoy!" Harry spat. Draco narrowed his eyes.

"I seem to remember you kissing me back, Potter."

Harry flushed and Draco smirked. He turned on his heel and walked away with Harry staring at his back. A few seconds after Draco got out of his line of sight Harry shook his head and took a deep breath. He continued on to the Gryffindor common roof where he was going before Malfoy fucking kissed him half thinking that he hallucinated the whole thing. He didn't even realize that he had got to the Fat Lady Portrait until she was yelling at him to stop daydreaming. He collapsed into his bed after making up an excuse about being tired to his friends and thought about what had just happened and why on earth he had kissed Draco back. He eventually fell asleep thinking about Draco and the kiss that actually hadn't been totally unpleasant...


The second Draco was certain Harry couldn't see him anymore he broke into a run. As he ran he cursed Blaise and Pansy under his breath, his face burning as he thought of Potters expression when he shoved Draco off of him. He sprinted to the Slytherin common room where Blaise and Pansy were sitting playing cards. He stopped in front of them angry and out of breath. They looked up Blaise's expression surprised and amused and Pansy with her eyes narrowed. She set down her set of cards and immediately set into Draco.

"Draco where the hell did you run off to?" She demanded angrily. "I thought you said you had a crush on ME"

Blaise raised an eyebrow seemingly unconcerned. "I told you he was just trying to save face Pansy, you were being entirely too persistent" Draco narrowed his eyes and turned to Blaise ignoring a steadily angering Pansy.

"What bloody right did you have to dare me to do that!" Draco demanded. "I'm lucky i didn't get my fucking bollocks cursed off! Nevermind that I fucking slammed them against a wall and bloody forced myself on them!" Draco yelled earning a few curious looks from across the room. Draco quieted down a bit but continued yelling at Blaise. "It is none of your business who I have a bloody fucking crush on and you shouldn't have fucking dared me to kiss whomever I bloody liked!" He then turned to Pansy as she was glaring at him. "And you!" He said making his voice dangerously low. Pansy pursed her lips. "Blaise was right I do not  and never will like you regardless of how often or how hard you throw yourself at me" Draco said. Pansy's eyes widened with hurt. Draco glared at her then at Blaise and whirled around and stalked off to his room. He closed the door and leaned on it sliding his eyes shut and allowed what happened with Harry to finally sink in. He opened his eyes just now realizing exactly how bad Blaise's dare had been.

He had kissed Harry bloody Potter. Not just kissed but slammed him against the wall as well. He shuddered thinking of the torture tomorrow was going to bring as Harry was definitely going to tell Granger and Weasel what Malfoy had done. He stood up and walked shakily over to his bed and tried not to think about the taunts and jeers that would surely come once Potter told everyone that he had kissed him. Draco wasn't even sure that Harry had kissed back as everything was getting a bit blurry. He groaned and buried his head in his pillow and tried to stop thinking about the disaster that awaited him tomorrow.


Hey, comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated, Ill update tomorrow, thanks for reading! :)

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