Falling in love with bumble boys pt. 1

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It seemed like you came into my life at the perfect time. I was just getting over the last boy I loved. Conversations were easy. Loving you was easy. You know how people say you just know when you meet the one? Well in my 21-year-old head- I just knew. That was my response to all of my questions. What is it about him? – He is the one. Why do I feel butterflies when I talk to him? –because he is special. After the first 2 planned dates he had cancelled my thoughts didn't change or stray. He was the one. He was the man I wanted to love for the rest of my life. My friends had heard it before, but I knew this was different. After I fell in love with him all my past loves turned into infatuation. This feeling was unlike anything I had ever experienced. At the beginning I knew these strong feelings were one sided, but I was convinced that because I had "that feeling" that it was meant to be.

It was a modern love story. We met on a classic dating app. My friend was swiping on my profile trying to find a date for me so that we could double. While the double date didn't happen that didn't mean we didn't continue to talk. We quickly exchanged numbers in attempt to get to know each other. We bonded early over the love we both shared for famous artist- Drake. Even though he was more of a views guy I was able to look past his lack of love for the classic- take care.

I remember having the craziest butterflies one late night when he sent me a snap singing along with some of Drakes most popular hits. It started off silly and playful - Singing One dance, pop style, over, and up all night. As it got later, I think we started falling harder for each other. The songs changed to Marvin's rooms, From Time, and Shot for me. At this point we hadn't met in person yet. I was nervous. My anxiety was at an all-time high. Meeting him meant I was going to have to let him in. That meant that I was going to have something to lose- him. Before actually meeting him, I was able to just daydream about what it was going to be like. I wanted him to hold me. I wanted to feel his body against mine. But I had to play it cool. I had just found out that I never had actually been in love- this feeling, these butterflies, this love I felt was unlike anything else and I didn't want to lose it- or him.

When we finally met It was everything I had imagined. He got to the restaurant after me. I was waiting in the car. I was sitting in the car hoping that the man I had grew to love the last few months was going to be everything I had hoped. It seemed as if I was looking for that 2 door Honda for days. When I finally saw him pull into the parking lot my heart raced. He parked only a few cars down. I got out of the car and stood by my door waiting for him to walk past me. It seemed as if he floated towards me. So cool, effortless and HOT. I was admiring him for those 7 seconds he walked towards me. His dark skin and those broad shoulders had already won me over. We hugged and I didn't want to let go. I wanted to be in his arms forever. I just had to get past the first date giddiness first.

I have been described as narcotic or as I like to put it- bubbly or outgoing. I remember sitting at our table nervous to overshare or talk to much. I wanted to keep it cool but of course my ass way already in love so there was no way to avoid that. In the midst of my stories and long-winded sentences he sat there, peaceful as if he was taking in every word I was saying. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. I was happy to be there with him. As I was talking to him, I had stumbled over some of my words. I had stopped talking to collect myself and he simply asked if I was nervous. I was instantly embarrassed and responded to him by saying "yea sorry-A little" and all he said back was "me too" and smiled at me. That one simple line gave me all the comfort and reassurance I needed. We shared so many things that night. It seemed as if we never ran out of anything to talk about. In my mind we were in the restaurant all alone. I didn't notice the people coming in and out. At one point I broke our bubble and looked up and the whole place was empty. I glanced over at the door to look at what time they closed, and it was 15 minutes past closing time. I said something and we both were amazed by how fast the last few hours had flown by. When I look back at that moment, I see us running out holding hands as if we were in some movie. Even though that's not what happened that's the perfect way to describe how I felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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