Extended Summary

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"So, a witch and a hybrid walk into a bar..."

"I am not amused."

"Oh, yes you are."



New Orleans, Louisiana.

Known by many for it's cuisine, music, and Mardi Gras.

Known by few for the voodoo practising witches, blood-sucking vampires, and furry werewolves.

At least, it was before "King of The Quarter" Marcel Gerard banned the witches from using magic and ran the werewolves out of town and right into the bayou.

And for some God forsaken reason, Abilene Ryder found herself in the middle of it all.

Abilene was the rogue witch in town. She didn't belong to the witches of the French Quarter, and she absolutely hated vampires. The feisty brunette did whatever she wanted. Marcel let her do magic freely as long as she provided her services from time to time, and the coven used her since they couldn't.

Drawing magic from the cemetery of her dead ancestors on the outskirts of town, she was the most powerful witch around; besides the teenage girl in the church attic, of course.

Which is exactly the reason why Sophie Devereaux asked her to help the coven with their plan. Abbi was now the official babysitter to the Original Hybrids baby mama. Using these unusual circumstances to her advantage, she stirs up a little drama in Marcel's once tight-nit group of vampires.

And somewhere along the way, she develops feelings for none other than Niklaus Mikaelson.

And he feels the exact same way.


I do not own The Originals or any of the characters. I do, however, own Abilene Ryder and her plot line.

So, I might, kind of, maybe stared a new book? Even though I rarely update my other one.

To be fair, I had this idea in my head for a while now. I'm not gonna start working on it until I finish Dark Affairs, but I might update every once in a while.

So for now, I will tease you with this summary.


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