1. early morning horrors

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early morning - shogonodo 

i suggest listening to this, it may not fit, but as long as it's a song, it's a song <3

welcome to chapter 1, early morning

Walking as the adult tiredly held his strap-bag that stashed on his shoulder, Distant giggled as she ran with her father, who was clumsily almost tripped over a poor civilian. Trying to walk faster, the weight on his pulled sleeve no longer felt heavy, as Clumsy worriedly saw his daughter staring through the screen of Benevolent's store. 

Radiant sat on the chair as he played the guitar loudly, groups of civilians watching and listening as Benevolent pushed another stack of muffins, bread, and other pastries onto the heated shelves. 

As Distant rose her hand, she knocked, surprising the Radiant male. He looked at the young child and smiled, waving at the light bage-clothed operative, who had a large smile printed on his face. Before she could even wave back, Distant was pulled away and rushed back into the large crowd of civilians.

"C'mon [DISTANT], W-We don't w-want to be l-late..." Clumsy felt a small tug as he looked down at his daughter, who was of course, concerned on whatever her father was saying.

"But- Mr. Radia-"

"IknowyouwannaseeRadiantbutno," he full on said, picking up Distant and rushing towards the households on the floor, pushing through people, disturbing cars, but still clumsily almost falling face flat onto the floor. 

Distant blinked as her cat hoodie fell down from her head, revealing her black hair that twinkled with small bits of white glitter, reminding of the time she had given Mr. Macabre a hair-wash. Since all the operatives that took care of Distant were now way too busy, Clumsy had to resort to one thing.

It was either let her go out into the wilderness to find Powerless, which can result in kidnapping or even certain death.

Or let her go to her Uncle.

So, Clumsy thought the right decision, and let her out into the wildernes- I mean go to her uncles. 

less and less people came around corners and from homes, they all were in the center, where everyone would normally be. business was quite serious during work-weeks, while weekends were stay in or go shopping. nothing else but chilling. 

clumsy would normally always take distant out during the weekends, but he's been coming home less and less, and more terrified by the second realizing he'd always be late to arrive home to feed his child. though, benevolent had taught distant how to cook, she'd try her best to make a sandwich. 

she was only 6, but she knew many things by the help of her close family members, even if the operatives aren't her official family, she always thinks they are. she finds them helpful and supportive, informative and passionate to her and herself. 

smiling as she stopped her friend, dreadful walking on the otherside of the road, she gave out a small chirp, catching his attention. dreadful turned and didn't give off any emotion, but waved back before heading on with his day. distant watched with slight disappointment, but continued walking with her dad.

her ponytail bounced as she skipped, now side to side with her dad. cars went past as they stopped, waiting for no more cars to appear. as the pedastrain light shined a walking stickman, the two family members walked, passing by a couple and two as they made their way across the road and onto the other walk-path. 

"Hey dad?" clumsy looked down, with a small smile on his face as they walked slowly.

"Who am I going to see today?" clumsy gave a suggestive expression, looking up to face the front of them and smiled.

"your going to meet one of your very family members, who I am sure doesn't know you, and you don't know them." clumsy said calmly, walking past another batch of people who gave small 'awhs' and 'she's so cute!' remarks here and there. smiling happily at the people, distant held her fathers hand more tighter then before, the cold wind disturbing her nice warmth she was able to gain during their walk. 

closing one of her eyes, a small visible tear fell out of her closed eye, the wind blowing harshly on her weak little body before calming itself down. 

clumsy giggled at the small angered expression distant was able to reveal on her face, blushing slightly, her cheeks growing a bright purple mixed with soft pink as they walked pass a garden that grew a beautiful amount of flowers, lights shined as sorrowful was spotted on the bench, reading a book. distant barked out a hello from the distance as sorrowful looked, staring as placid appeared out of no where.

"[GREETINGS] sweetie..." sorrowful mumbled out loudly to the young girl as she smiled at the man, before walking off. sorrowful smiled underneath his mask as placid just watched with a smile on his face, also underneath his mask. they went both back to whatever they were doing, placid probably collecting flowers. 

rubbing her sore hands, her legs started to gain it's tiredness and pain.

when was their walk going to end? 

"Dadddd..." clumsy looked down at his exhausted daughter, she was already huffing and puffing, her sore legs and muscles ached in pain. 

"when are we arriving?" 

"oh, we are already here..." clumsy said, pointing at the large dark oak house that didn't seem to have any light shining through at all. making the small girl gulp, she hid behind her fathers long legs. 

"it's alright hun, nothing will harm us. it's just where someone that is very close to me lives." clumsy muffled out an explanation as he blinked, walking forward to the house as the girl followed, hugging clumsy's leg. 

clumsy chuckled as they arrived at the door. 


hope you all enjoyed that, i had to add in some operatives, and since they kinda do take part in distant's little vacation out hanging with the operatives, it goes to show that a kid can always bring a smile to someones face <3

hope you like this, i'll bring another soon!

have a great day, stay radiant and benevolent, love you all!

bye bye!

bye bye!

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