(34) - Failing

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"James, I think we have a problem." Emma breathed as she stared shocked by the figure on the screen.

The caravan is small, wires and machines hung out everywhere. From the outside, it looks like a closed food truck but from inside it's a total FBI movie.

"What? Natasha? How is that possible?" James groaned and pressed a key on the keyboard and it connects to Matt's audio.

"Matthew, are they still following you?" James asked, through the headphone.

"Yeah, the same Aston Martin is following us," Melva informed, looking back at the lady who was driving behind him, it was Amara, and she didn't know how to drive.

"Then, how the fuck is Natasha Clairemont standing right in front of Emily, now?" James shouted. Fear of fail of the plan was nothing compared to the fear of something bad happening to Emily.

"What? I don't know! Did that John the son of the bitch, ditch us again. He was supposed to do it." Matt gritted as he pressed the acceleration faster and took a longer cut to the airport.

To make things worse, Emma informs, "I can't connect to John or his GPS." her fingers moved rapidly on the keyboard.


"Emma, you will do the software and hacking," James instructed.

"What? Me? How am I supposed to know that?" Emma stuttered.

"Remember the time you hacked into the FBI unit?" Matt scoffed, rolling a pen between his fingers.

"That was when I was in high school!" she waved her hand dramatically.

"And it's not as hard as you think. I was only trying to hack the high school system. I just wanted to see my report card before my dearest parents set me up for adoption. Plot twist, I hit a few wrong keys and abracadabra, I have hacked the fucking FBI." Emma sighs.

"Holy fucking shit, Emma." Melva and Emily gasped in unison.

"And then you hacked the Juvenile system too," James assures, with a nod.

"Yeah, I was just helping a friend of mine in there to escape." she slums and all eyes fell on her. Noticing that, she raised her eyes and looked around the surprised faces, "Fine, I'll do it but how do you two know about my shady past?" Emma asked, staring at James and Matt who looked at... ALEX.

Emma shifts her accusing glare to the guilty Alex.


"Babe, can we move on with the party?" Natasha asks Emily with a sly smile.

"Um, sure." Emily gives back a smile. Natasha then walks over and claims Emily's lips.

"Ew!" James and Emma gagged together as they watched the girls make-out.

"Okay, they are done kissing." James sighed as he observed the screen. "They are walking towards a - bookshelf?"

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