What do we have more? Well, there are pissed off versions of the FANDOM userz! I mean if my Gummy Ash was stolen, I'd be pretty pissed too.
Pissed of ElifOyunda37:I have more armz now! That means I can steal much more Gummy Ash!
Angy Bondorak:No talk to him, he angy. Although this isn't his final form!
Pissed off CarlTehPuppet:He protecc, He attacc, bu most importantly he wants his Puppitoes bacc-
Pissed off Dark:Alright, who stole his tea again?
Pissed off Ash:Haha Never-
Angy Kind Pegasus 95:No talk to her, she angy-
And cute?
Pissed off Tricakay27:Other ppl when they are pissed:Dark and sum' voodoo magic-
Tricakay27:*MLG Intensify*Pissed off Ziva: He loses his MLG after being pissed-
FANDOM Thoughts
Humor@OriginalAsh5 @Purpleguy4 @Ziva07 @Tricakay27 @PikoPikoPanicAttack @DarkWarriorDanger @PsychicFriendFredBear24 @DJKit70 @BoxoBot2005 @KirbyFan99 @ExoticButterschild @Ghaztly92 @The Switchify @The Grim Foxy @CrazyCatsie @Leirbag904 @Last i am @WeirdP...