2. Emerald

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Taehyung whimpered, clinging to his brothers side, "H-Hyung what w-was that?"

V glances over to his scared brother, "Don't worry it was probably just a bird that nested here," he reassured.

The two slowly and silently move forward, nearing the middle of the metal runway. Suddenly they hear another bang, Taehyung and V looking down in shock. There stood a group of about fourty people, all in black with guns. They surrounded a small circle of three men where they seemed to be discussing something, both had giant bags with them.

V turned his camera to face the scene, a worried look on his face.

"-he money or we will kill you, you're choice"

The third man stumbled back, "You two are crazy"

"We know. So, what's it going to be?"

V started to move a little further out, wanting a better angle. But suddenly everyone froze when they heard the loud groan of metal, shudders shaking the metal runway, and then a sickening grinding of metal on metal before the other end snapped.

Taehyung and V gasped, losing balance and sliding down the slope, Taehyung practically in tears because of how scared he was. Once they both tumbled onto the ground floor, they quickly picked themselves up and looked towards the group of fourty.

They stared at the two twins in shock.

Suddenly a deep voice yelled, "Get them!"

V grabbed his twins wrist and yanked him back, running as fast as he could while making sure Taehyung was still with him.

The two ran to a door and shoved it open, finding a winding set of stairs. They didn't hesitate to run down them, V having dropped and broken his camera on the slide down.

Taehyung whimpers, vision blurred with tears, "H-Hyung I'm scared!"

V pants out, "Hyungie is here, everything will be fine, okay?"

Suddenly they reached the bottom, finding themselves in the basement. V immediately backed Taehyung into the wall and stood protectively in front of him. He picked up a random item, getting ready to throw it.

Taehyung also picked up something. It was a shining green emerald.

The twins stared in fear as the room was soon flooded with people, two in particular in front. They were twins. V gasped, making Taehyung pear over his shoulder slowly.

Jungkook and Jeongguk stared in shock. Two pairs of twins.

Everyone stopped moving.

Suddenly Taehyung throws his emerald at them, wanting them to go away. What caught everyone off guard, was that the emerald stuck in the air.

"What the fuck," Jungkook muttered, the emerald now shining and emitting bright lights.

Everyone backed away.

One of the bolts of light hit V, making the boy let out a cry before he disappeared. Taehyung let's out a frightened sob, "H-Hyung!"

No. Taehyung needed his Hyung. He needed to go with him. Even if this thing actually killed him, he didn't care. He would follow his Hyung anywhere.

The boy didn't hesitate to put himself in the front of the next bolt of lightning.

"No, dont-"

But he was gone. Taehyung wouldn't be able to live without his brother. So he decided to let the light take him, just like it took his brother.

The men started to try and run out at the same time, everyone getting stuck in the end, the light taking them one by one until there were only a handful left. And then the emerald exploded.







V gasped, eyes shooting open. He took in large gulps of air, eyes looking around. He was in a green field, a castle in the distance and a forest behind him.

He quickly remembers Taehyung, eyes searching for the boy. There were others that lay on the ground, most likely some of the men that chased them. V started to move fast, not caring if he stood on someone.

He needed to find his brother.

He did spot him, but he didn't like the sight. Taehyung was cuddling into the side of one of the other twins, both unconscious.

Just as he was about to wrench the man away from his brother, a hand stopped him. He whipped around, alert.

It was the other twin.

"Who are you, why did you and you're brother take us here- or rather how?"

V scoffed, "Who we are is none of you're business, and we didn't bring you here, try remembering it was the Emerald that went haywire"

The man just glares.

"And who are you huh? And why haven't you killed me yet?" Taehyung was very suspicious. I mean the man was running at him with a bunch of others, all holding guns.

"Jeon Jeongguk, Jungkook is my brother. And there's no point in killing you now"

Taehyung stays quiet for a few seconds, "V. My name is V, my brother is Taehyung"

Taehyung then turned away, picking up his brother and sitting a little away from the large group of people. Taehyung just whines, legs wrapped around his brothers waist and cuddles into his chest to carry on sleeping.

V sighs.

He was scared and worried. But he can't be, for Taehyung. He needs to be there for him, the one to hold his hand and guide him.

Slowly everyone woke up, confused and afraid.

"Where are We?"

"I thought I was dead!"

"Why are we here?"

"Where did that blasted emerald take us?!"

Taehyung stirred a little.

Suddenly the group was shut up when someone came ridding up on a horse. V picked Taehyung up by his thighs, walking over warily.

It was a girl, brown doe eyes and long brown hair. She wore a yellow tight fitted top, matched with black riding pants and some black and yellow ridding gloves, boots black and muddy.

"Hello and welcome, new players, to the Emeralds castle," She calls out, eyes sweeping over the group, "My name is Holly and I will be guiding you through the rules"

"Where are we?" one of the men shouted, but it seemed like she didn't acknowledge the question.

"Saddle up on a horse and follow me, I will explain everything on the way," Her horse neighs, pawing at the ground. Suddenly everyone gasped as a whole lot of horses, saddled, came running to them out of the woods.

"Saddle up," Holly repeats.

A large horse nudges V's head.

V huffs. He was not going to let his brother ride on his own.

"Jeongguk!" He yelled, making a few look at him with startled faces.

The muscular male trudged over with a blank face, "What"

"Can you hold him while I get up and then pass him to me? I don't want to wake him," V explains. Right now, the only people he feels he can trust is Taehyung and Jeongguk.

Jeongguk because he didn't try to kill him or his brother when he had the chance to, when they woke up here.

Jeongguk just nods, scooping the sleepy puppy into his arms. The mafia leader would never admit this, but when he looked down to watch the sleeping boy innocently snuggle deeper into his chest, he didn't feel like giving him back to his brother.

"Okay, pass him up," V whispers softly, hands gentle as the help settle the sleeping boy again.

After a few more minutes, every confused soul was on a horse and on their way to the castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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