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Christian:what is going on

Reporter's:Christian is your wife still alive

Christian:I don't have time for all these questions

(Crank car)


(Banging on door)


Diana:Christian what are you doing here

Christian:can I stay here for a couple of days

Diana:sure come in


Is it true that Christian powers killed his wife Joanna Wright we'll be back with stars knees

Diana:so did you kill her

Christian:no I didn't kill her I don't know she said she had to get away

Diana:and you didn't go after her

Christian:why would I do that if she wants her space she can have her space

Diana:well are you hungry

Christian:no I'm good

Diana:listen don't let this whole thing get you down like dad use to say this world is filled with crazy people and they make up crazy things to make them seem real so just get some rest


Next morning

Banging:on door

Christian opens door

Christian:Cheyenne what are you doing here how did u find out we're I went

Diana:is something wrong

Christian:Cheyenne diana, Diana Cheyenne

Cheyenne:hi,but we have found another note saying I see you found the second note this is were you keep pictures

Christian:umm not noticeable

Cheyenne:come with use

Diana:is he going jail

Cheyenne:no just stay focused on your safety Diana

(Getting in car)

Cheyenne:so does this note sound familiar

Christian:well I do keep pictures in my office

Cheyenne:well to your office we go

(Going into room)


Cheyenne:looks like another note

Note:this is were you keep goodies

Cheyenne:so we're do you keep those goodies

Christian:I have no idea

Cheyenne deep breaths

Christian:what I don't even know what she's is talking about

Cheyenne:ok,well I'm going to drop you back at home and we'll finish this tomorrow

(Getting home)

Click Click click

Christian:how do they keep finding me

Diana:were have you been I didn't know what happened all these people were just snapping

Christian:well just go inside

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