Walking through the baseball park, and dust kicks up a little bit. Mom and dad walking me to school as always, ever since Valery followed me home and we "fought". Valery was my bully, but she bullied no other soul. I think she secretly she liked me, but that was none of my business.
To say the truth, we didn't fight, I'm guilty, we mended everything, we played around and I had fallen running away from her playing hide and seek. I had a limp. And my tummy hurt, because she tackled me to the ground.
I realized I was way late to home, and I didn't want to be punished, I just finished a punishment. For saying I was hungry once at school, so I felt like my mom was going to cry again.
That day I lied, I lied a big lie. I had told them that she hit me and followed me home, that " we fought and I kicked her in the vajayjay"(vagina). That's why I came home late, "that my bully had hurt me and she should be punished".
I came to school, with my fake story, she pleaded for me to say the truth. But I was afraid, I wanted revenge for all the things she did to me. They brought her mom up, and she beat Valery infront of us. She begged me to say the truth till she succumbed and told the lie to stop being hit.
It happened before so why couldn't it happen again. I could have had a new best friend, I could have no guilt on my conscious. But I don't have a new friend, and I have all the guilt. Someone needed to pay for my torture and I was making sure that she never bullied anyone again.
Even today I myself believe my own lies, because they are good and convincing. I just wish I could have been punished but I was selfish and I couldn't see my mother upset,. She used to be an angel till all that changed. (The change is a few chapters away,. So be patient).
Part two. Friends below the ceiling.All of the teachers looked worried, but it looked like nothing new. At the end of first period the teacher came trying to quiet us all. She announced to us that one of our classes mates earlier that day. Died.
In the hospital, from an asthma attack,. Me and him were in asthma class together always after lunch or before lunch. We would get stickers for knowing what to do in a situation we didn't have our pump or stuff like that.
She had told us to make a card for his parents, and that the school would plant a tree the very next day. So we drew and made, but most girls cried and called their parents, to go home.
My card was the best, So i'd get to read it out loud tomorrow while they planted the tree, i took all day to make it, I never cried, because I didn't know what death was at the time.
I went home and told my mom about his death. She told me " you should have told me, I would have picked you up". I knew that was a lie, mom had two jobs and was Barely around. My step family took care of me,. And I was only 7years old.
I headed to my room, till the next day I went to school, in the morning, a the hole was made deep, and a young tree in a green bag was placed near. We went outside and ideas my card out loud, while the parents put the tee and first dirt into the hole. I gave them the card.
They cried for him, a pain I never understood, it was hurt, loss, and forgiveness at once, it was a whole lot to take in. A sudden change, an absence, too much space suffocating you.
Little details become huge, everyone all stepped into nothing and quietness. Is it true,that all good people die first? Then he was definitely the best, third grade, he was just gone. Why was it so sudden? All I could see was him talking to god in heaven.
So we focused on class, routine, but it wasn't routine when you still herd his name being called out and silence slices through the air. Why not me? The invisible girl. Instead of the popular boy everyone, even I missed.
Even when he tried to sit on me, I felt bad for snapping at him. Because friends were below the ceiling are the only ones partially alive.
Steph's Auto-biography
Non-FictionA new view of life through a first person perspective. Going down the road of years thrown away.