First Attempt

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Jackson's POV

"I'll go to sleep first. Good luck with your puzzle. Again thanks for everything." I said to her and went down.

After I went downstairs, I landed my body onto the sofa in the living room and placed my hands on my face.

Youngji must hate me so much right now. She might think I'm one of those perverts who tried to take advantage on her.

I almost kissed her but I pulled myself. I didn't want a kiss to ruin our friendship. I want her to stay by my side forever, even as a friend.

She looked like clenching her teeth after I pulled myself. And then she looked down and back concentrating on her puzzle. She was totally shocked. It was visible. And I think she hated it. Because I'm not a person she thought I am.

Wang Jackson. You can't even control yourself now. I know my feelings are beyond control. But what Youngji did to me is something I can't forget - her idea to bring my mom here - enough to touch the heck out of me. I think that's why I was 'over-thanked' her.

I think I have to set my mind that Youngji is a friend. But every time I want to put her in my friendzone, it's a total failure. Whenever I see her, I want to do things like couples do. Always forgetting that we're friends.

Here's the pretense that leads to love. I want to be close to her, even with the friend title on me.
Youngji's POV

"What?! He almost kissed you?! But he pulled back?! That jerk?!" Gyuri unnie half-screamed.

"Unnie! Keep it down!" I said. I wanted to share this only with Gookju unnie but my members need to know. They probably will come out with the best decision I'll make.

"What keep it down?" Seungyeon unnie joined.

"Jackson almost kissed Youngji but he pulled back." Gyuri explained.

"What the actual..? GOT7's Jackson?!" Hara unnie came. This situation can't be more worse. I should've just keep it by myself haish jinjja.

"Aniya. Forget it." I said and stand up.

"Heo Youngji, sit down." Hara said sternly.

I gulped and sat down. "Do you possibly like Jackson?"

"As a friend." I said.

"As a friend bullshit." Seungyeon replied.

"Woohoo Youngji. You're crushed now. Unnie had a huge massive crush at someone before, it hurt like hell." Hara said.

I can relate to the 'it hurt like hell' part. "But you know, even if Jackson likes you too, you guys can't date. As in contract. Plus, you're still rookie." Hara added with a smile.

I know it well. Hara doesn't have to say 'even Jackson likes you too' cause he's not. He's definitely not.

"It's not wrong to like him. We support you. But you have to name yourself to the world. When the world already accepted you, then you can make your decisions." Gyuri said. They smiled at me and we did a group hug. I'm glad I joined KARA. They are the best.

"I hate Wang Jackson. I think he knew that I have feelings for him. That's why that jerk made that kind of move last night. To tease me. To make me feel like shit for god's sake." I said to them

They laughed at me and Seungyeon said, "I think Jackson was so grateful." She laughed. "What I'm saying is, he likes you too."

I gave her a weak smile, knowing how wrong her assumption is.

It's literally my fault for falling in love. Not for him to blame. That guy just being himself, and I fell for that. Don't know that I had such a terrible taste in men.

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