S2:Ep 3- "wait isnt that illegal?"

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Prem looked at jeff, "so? Why? Why did u kidnap me? What do u have to do with boun?"

Jeff sat on the other sofa close by, and said "my family...they disowned me", "huh?" Prem felt bad for the boy...not knowing the reason..

"Boun is my cousin...His family after hearing the news..asked me to stay with them"

"Oh? Why did you're family disown you" prem asked curiously...

Jeff ignoring his question answered "about a few months of staying with them...i....fell for..."

Prem's eyes lightened up "who!?"

After some silence, jeff answered "b...boun"

Prem was in utter shock "Didn't you say hes you're cousin!? Then-"

"YES! YES! im  f**king incest!" Jeff said as he got up "my family disowned because of that.."

Prem no longer felt bad...knowing being incest is against the laws ...

"SO you kidnapped me!?"

"Yes! I cant imagine the image of boun with another man!"

Prem giggled a bit and said "You and boun never dated...rather the fact ur something thats against the laws...and you're even going further with it!"

Jeff felt rage...madness.. he immediately pushed prem's chair..


And jeff started things at him...prem was telling him to stop..but no jeff wont... Prem couldnt stop crying...

Oh what a mess this is...

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