The lost city

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The jungles had grown since the last time (will be explored in future chapters), he thought as he looked through the forest. The earth nation had been silent and the other nations decided to ignore the spreading corruption. He stopped as he looked at his companion, a woman with black hair and red markings on her cheeks.

She looked through the trees. "Something has followed us here," She pointed and the man in red created a whip of fire, pulled the amphibian-like spirit into the open. The spirit turned dark and ran at the fire bender and then used the man in red used his whip to slam amphibian into a tree.

The man in red looked at Uvs. "Thanks Uvs, you're a life saver" he then said in a commanding tone to the spirit. "Spirit! Leave this place at once!"

It growled and the man in red tied a second whip around the spirit. He closed his eyes as the corrupted spirit struggled, trying to free it's self as the fire turned white, the spirit become calm as the fire grew, burning its corrupted form and leaving a child-like form who looked at the man in red. "Thank you sir." it said before hopping away.

the two travelers continued to walk as they saw a mountain and used the vines from the spirit's vines to climb up. Man in red climbed with each step it became harder to breathas the air became thiner yet Uvs had already reached the top taking in the view. "It's sad what has happened." Uvs whispered to herself looking at the ruins of the massive city. The man in red continued climbing, the squar stones made it easier, to reach the top of the mountain.

"Yeah ashes of the greatness and then the vines grew. The spirits followed them- arrgh!" He yelled. Uvs span aroundlooking at her companion, as a rock fell on his head and lost balance but he used his fire bending on his feet as boosters to reach up and grabbed a stone ledge. "Wh-" He looked up and saw a slug spirit whose slime was acidic had broke the stone. He rolled his eyes before regaining his balance. He continued climbing, using some of the vines to climb easily before one of them tried to tie him up. "No." He said as he burned the plant off and jumped to top of the mountain.

The man in red looked over the fallen city and the mountains being it's former walls, now crumbled with time into people mistaking them for mountians. He explained to Uvs "It is said this was a the capital of the largest nation yet now the buildings are all but ruins." Uvs looked toward the ruins.

She imagined it at its golden age but all that she thought would be foolish and not close to reality. "So the earth Benders now hide underground?" Uvs asked. the man in red nodded.

"Here is where last the avatar mastered earth bending and as you-"

Uvs rolled her eyes and interrupted "Yeah, the new Avatar is Born closest to the last Avatar's bending master's home, you already explained it to me with the Avatar circle." She said not a millisecond later the man in red jumped down, with Uvs slowly floating down.

Before hitting the ground, the man in red, released fire from fire from his feet and hands, stopping his fall and gently landing on the ground. "If we're unlucky the spirits will attack." He told uvs. Each step they took they could see the marks of battle: earth turned to spears, skeletons of amalgamated men and beasts and even plants."

Uvs looked around sensing the for any spirit vines "There aren't any spirit plants, so we should be fine here." Uvs looked at the skeletons. "I hope none of the river spirits took part in this." She said as he walked past the dead.

The man in red nodded before placing his ear to the ground hearing rumbling underneath "Pass through the ground, into the cave system" He ordered and uvs followed the orders.

Uvs passed through the ground and once she reached the earth bender they stared at her with complete terror. "Please don't hurt us!" They said. They were wearing glowing crystals on their hats which made uvs giggle a bit before she noticed that these were children.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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