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Hello everyone that is reading my story. I would like to say thank you for the support. I never expected it to get this much attention. I originally did this story just out of boredom not thinking that anyone was going to read it. Boy how wrong I was. College has started for me but this story will continue I have big plans for this story. To anyone that is still reading this and sees this please vote, comment or something to show me that even though I haven't posted in a while that you are all still here supporting this story. I will hopefully get out of my writer's block soon and get back to continuing this story. Once again I thank you all for getting me to 7K reads I am glad that I have made an amazing story for you all to read but it's not over yet. I know you may have heard these words before but be safe, be good, and remember....


Update: I am working on the next chapter now but I need your help. I need ideas on where Y/N should take Mina on a date and what should happen during the date. I know not many authors do this but I am not like many authors. So please help give me ideas

When a beast becomes a hero (Bnha x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now