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(Y/H/C)- Your Hair Color, (Y/E/C)-Your Eye Color

Working at the FBI is the toughest and most emotionally demanding job in America. But meeting my best friends and living every day with utter happiness transcends all that pain. I was lucky enough to get accepted into the BAU ten years ago. Fresh out of academy, I joined when I was only twenty years old. There, I met my friends JJ, Penelope, and Emily, among others.

Though I'm best friends with tens of profilers, everyone has their concealed secrets.

Mine is that for the past decade, I've been so incredibly infatuated with my best friend.

His name is Spencer Reid, Dr. Spencer Reid, and he is the most intelligent man I've ever met. Nevertheless, he doesn't see the way I look at him, and it seems as if he doesn't care to.

Now, at thirty years old, we both travel the world fighting crime together, but do so worlds apart.

Most cases we completed merge together in our minds; our memories fade and victims move on. But this one sticks out to me as we read the case file on the BAU jet.

We're on our way to South Portland, Maine. Not the warmest place in mid-November, but what can you do? Reading the case file, the team and I start to make conclusions and analyze the information hidden behind the photos and victims.

"Three female victims were found on different park benches, posed post-mortem in different positions." Derek starts, thumbing through the manila folder.

"All around the same ages, 25 to 26 years old." I add, sitting down next to Spencer across from JJ and Emily. Spencer extends his arm behind my back, resting on my chair.

"Well he definitely has a type: Y/H/C hair, pretty, young. Probably substitutes for an ex-wife?" JJ looks up at Spencer and I.

"The most common age for marriage in the U.S is 27 and a half, so it's most likely an ex-girlfriend, or a woman who rejected his advances." Spencer states as I glance to my left to look at him. His side profile is carved sharply against the bright light from the window, making my heart flip just a bit.

"None of the victims have crossed paths, or even remotely come in contact with each other. This guy is just picking and choosing based on looks." Rossi cocks an eyebrow.

"JJ and Emily, you'll talk to the victims' families and the couple that found the body. Dave and Morgan will examine the morgue, and Y/N and Reid will join me at the crime scene." Hotch's deep voice cuts through the air, as I glance at Spencer. He sends me a sweet smile, which I return easily. Everyone talks amongst themselves, which prompts Spencer to turn to me.

"Did you finish the book I gave you yet?" His eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Spencer," I chuckle, "You gave it to me three days ago. I don't have and eidetic memory like you." I tease, making him grin.

"Well it's one of my favorites, you'll love it! Just hurry up on it so we can go out for coffee this weekend."

Wait, what?

I smile nervously, nodding with silence as he returns to his book.

Did he just...ask me on a date?

"Sure." I look forward, seeing JJ and Emily looking at me with wide eyes. Spencer doesn't notice, so we continue on talking until the jet touches down on the chilly state of Maine.

Our team gets straight to action, speeding to the different stations to try and figure out this case as soon as possible. Spencer, Hotch, and I arrive at the crime scene, Blue Wood Park. The crisp autumn air blows chilly wind on us as we walk towards the taped-off scene speckled with police officers. With Spencer and I on either side of Hotch, we approach the Rockville Chief of Police, wringing his hands with concerned eyes.

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