Chapter 17: A walk in the park!

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(M/n) stood at the edge of the shoreline, the ocean waves crashing into his feet and wetting his pant-legs, his shirt thrashed in the violent wind. Nose stinging from the bitter frost of the salty mist hitting his cheeks and lips. The flow of the (h/c)-colored strands that whipped against his forehead and cheekbones. Ears red from the cold. 

Now this, this was Paradise. 

(M/n) rolled up his ripped blue jeans, the sun cascading through the grey clouds, he was far from the beach house, having walked a while, his clothes were soaked to the bone from the harsh rain just a few minutes prior. He left a note on the kitchen counter for the others just summarizing where he was going and how long he was going to be gone. 

Stepping further into the salty water, he felt the smoothness of the calming sand in his toes, the annoying itching of his clothes restricting his joints from moving. This was it, this was what he was waiting for this entire trip. They only had a few more days to spend here, since it was just a two week or one weekend stay at Adrien's Family beach house. The (H/c)-haired teen was about knee-deep into the cold icy blue water, his teeth chattering as he continued to venture into the deeper pool. 

His toes and knuckles felt numb as he went in about to his chest, keeping his arms afloat. Eyes shutting and diving into the water. 

(E/c) eyes foggy as the stinging salt water got into them, he emerged from the freezing water, gasping for air. Hands rubbing at the sand around his eyes and wincing at the burn. 

"What the..." he turned around to the voice, swimming up to the cave that was on the far-side of the shore, it wasn't a long swim but it wasn't easy against the waves. Shivering when the wind mixed with the numbing feeling in his toes and knees, his shoulders trembled before he used his fox fire to dry his clothes(which took twenty minutes due to excessive force and magic). The cave itself was large and the crackling of the blue flame echoed off the wet walls, rock formations shuddered at the volume of the element. 

"I don't remember seeing this here...A fox?" (M/n) growled at the voice, whipping around as his magic faded, the fox fire dulling before it singed his clothes. "Who's there." the teen seethed. 

"Oh, Don't mind me~," the voice whispers, almost-snake like as a rattling sound followed it. 

"Are you a spirit?" (M/n) taunts, the rattling seized. 

"A spirit?" the voice mocks, scoffing as a light engulfed the cave. Red and black candles alike lit like a wild fire as (M/n) hissed in surprise. Black scales glowed in the candle light, a woman exposed in the illuminating scented candles, the monotone dripping of salt water the only thing breaking the tension. 

"I'm Bachi Hebi, or better known as Tsuchinoko." (A snake demon known for being small and for it's notorious lying habits and extreme favor of alcohol in Japanese Folklore)

(M/n) laughed, feeling sweat seep from the back of his neck. He was nervous, for what? A snake-demon versus a Fox Demon. If this Tsuchinoko wanted to fight, (M/n) would be down in an instant. These snake species are close to vipers, venom that could paralyze and kill a human easily. But with the lies that this snake could tell in an instant could freeze the poor fox in his place immediately. 

With a notorious lying habit, (M/n) would never be able to tell if she were lying or not. 

The snake-woman wore a black and grey scale-like patterned yukata that was loosely tied in the front, the traditional bow in the back ditched by the bottom half of her snake body. "What's wrong, Fox?" The woman questions, snapping (M/n) out of his thoughts. The boy flinched as his fox tails furrowed(puffing out of habit when he felt like he was in danger). Tsuchinoko smirked as she took a long drag of the long pipe in her hand, blowing the smoke in (M/n)'s face. 

"I'm more surprised that you are taking on a child's form," the woman glared at the boy accusingly. Leaning on the various blankets and clothes of different men and demons that have wondered into this cave. 

(M/n) swallowed the lump in his throat. 

"I get it now..." he voiced, lips curling up into a wide confident smirk that screamed bullshit as he jabbed his pointer finger at the woman's chest. "The only reason I noticed this cave in the first place was because it's an illusion, I'm actually asleep right now, aren't I? Freezing at the bottom of the ocean." Now it made sense. 

This entire time, he was using his fox fire in secret, casting an illusion spell himself as he desperately tried to dry his clothes but they stayed soaked, his skin was clammy with sweat and stunk of salt. Tsuchinoko sighed and snapped her fingers, the pipe disappearing along with her humanoid appearance. 

"I was curious," the large snake dragged out the 's', hissing as her forked-tongue darted out of her mouth. 

"Why are you hiding your identity from those humans?"

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