Graypaw let the taste of the plump rabbit sink onto this tongue as the clan rumbled with quiet excitement. "I hope I get chosen to go to the gathering!" Dustpaw shouted to Sandpaw in the distance. "Hah! I beat you mouse brain in the battle training session today anyways" she bragged, giving Dustpaw a challenging look.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Bluestar shouted. Many pairs of ears poked up as Graypaw turned to face his leader, finishing the last bite of his rabbit. "I have decided that Stonefur, Spottedleaf, Mistyfoot, Lionheart, Tigerclaw, Icefoot, Longtail, Ravenpaw, and Graypaw will be attending the Gathering on this starry evening." Graypaw smiled as he looked up at his mentor, Lionheart, who was a few pawsteps away from him. "I can't believe im going to the gathering!" Graypaw purred with joy. Lionheart smiled "you deserve it, you are certainly going to be a strong warrior!" A bigger smile appeared on the fuzzy gray apprentices face.
After minutes of walking through the grassy trees of Thunderclan, the cats finally arrived at The gathering. ShadowClan and RiverClan were already there. "So many cats!" Wowed Graypaw as he looked down at Ravenpaw, the much smaller and quieter apprentice. He seemed nervous as Tigerclaw stood beside her. The huge brown tabby's fur with mangled and messy, with leaves and sticks stuck inside, and amber eyes that could hypnotize you. 'I get why Ravenpaw is so scared' he thought as she looked down at his clanmate with an awkward smile.
The gray apprentice gazed up upon the high plateau-like rock. Bluestar was sitting down, gazing upon the many cats below her, her blue-gray fur blowing softly in the gentle gushes of wind. Crookedstar was a light brown tabby with pale green eyes and huge tufts of fur, almost a neater version of Tigerclaw's fur. You could see the compassion and kindness in his crystal sharp eyes, a cat who truly wished the best for his clan. A few pawsteps beside him was Brokenstar. His fur was messy and even more crazed then Tigerclaw's. His fur was almost black, but not quite. He was just a very dark browned tabby. His orange eyes were stuffed with paranoid flames and ash.
"Where is WindClan!?" Lionheart roared upon the crowd. "Yeah, where are they!" A dark brown RiverClan tomcat agreed. "WHERE IS WINDCLAN! WHERE IS WINDCLAN!" Cats of all three clans roared. Bluestar looked down at the cats queasily as Brokenstar stood up to face the clan cats. "SILENCE!" he roared "WE WILL HAVE THE CLAN GATHERING! WITH OR WITHOUT WINDCLAN!" The cats quieted themselves. "Jeez, what was that?" murmured Ravenpaw to Graypaw.
Bluestar and Crookedstar stood up around Brokenstar. "Well then, if we shall begin, I'll start." Crookedstar mewed sternly. "Sadly, RiverClan has lost our deputy, Oakheart, in battle..." The cats in the crowd dipped their head in respect, Graypaw mimicked them. "But we are happy to announce our new deputy is Leopardfur!" The crowd roared in approval, especially RiverClan. Bluestar faced the cats as Crookedstar sat down. "ThunderClan has been strong, and will be even stronger with this upcoming Greenleaf!" The cats surrounding Graypaw became loud and cheerful. "GO THUNDERCLAN!" Screamed Icefoot. Bluestar smiled at her clan cats. "We also welcome two new apprentices we brought here tonight, Graypaw and Ravenpaw!" Graypaw puffed his chest out as the cats cheered for them. As the crowd died down, Brokenstar stood up. "Sadly, Raggedstar has passed to StarClan, which means I took his place." Graypaw immediately dipped his head in respect for him. "My mother, Yellowfang, has betrayed us as well, so we welcome our new medicine cat! Runningnose!" Graypaw roared in approval as the crowd did so as well. "And I think that wraps up the Gathering tonight." Bluestar mewed as she climbed down from the plateau-like rock and scurried through the cats of her clan. Crookedstar and Brokenstar did the same.
Once the cats arrived, Dustpaw and Sandpaw immediately scurried over to Graypaw and Ravenpaw. "Woah Graypaw, you're so lucky!" Dustpaw said sarcastically. "Yeah, I'm surprised a weak apprentice as you would even get picked!" Sandpaw sneered. "I'm not weak!" Graypaw growled, "I'll be a stronger warrior than you'll ever be!" Dustpaw laughed, "good lu-" "SANDPAW, DUSTPAW, SHUT IT" Whitestorm growled. Sandpaw and Dustpaw sighed "sorry...." as they padded away. Graypaw yawned "well, I should go to bed, all that yelling made me tired." Ravenpaw nodded "y-yeah me too." The two padded into the apprentices' den and laid asleep.
Collapse - a warrior cats AU
FanfictionWhat if Bluestar never gave her kits away? What if Rusty never joined ThunderClan? What if Scourge was in ThunderClan? This is what would've happened.