Chapter 3. The run

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"Israel HURRY UP!" My mother yells from downstairs, her need to be on time showing.

"Ma I'm coming!" I yell out while trying to put on this dumb tie, don't even know why we're doing all of this when we're just gonna be taking it all off again.

Groaning in aggregation I try to redo the tie again, having given up on the mirror since it seemed to just make it worse.

"Need help?" The sudden voice causing me to yelp out of alarm, turning around I groan loudly at the side of Jake and his cousin, Lewis both sitting there. Just my luck, rolling my eyes I rip off the tie before shoving it at Jake.

"What did I tell you bout coming in uninvited, specifically with that one," I playfully diss looking over at Lewis who flipped me off.

"You love me, baby!" He yells as Jake makes steps towards me, wrapping the tie around my neck I feel my heart stop for a moment as our eyes met. It only had taken him a few seconds to tie it, but he still stood in front of me gripping the tie watching which of course made my stomach flutter.

"M-My meds, uh Lewis can you hand me those," I say briskly stepping to the side trying to not forgot and have an incident today, throwing my meds to me Lewis quietly looks between a voiceless Jake and me.
The room setting now uneasy as three teens in suits just sat there.

"BOYS COME DOWN ITS TIME!" My mom yells in just enough time, clearing my throat I nod to the door before quickly exiting, the walk down the stairs was just as silent as the room was but luckily my mom met us with her bright smile.

"Ok ok now today is the day before the big day boys please be good," She teases making slight corrections to all of our suits before grabbing sussies hand and my father's arm.

Walking out of the house I watch with a smirk as Jake closes the door and locks it, having been over here so much he now had a key.

" What?" He asks noticing my stare meeting it with a smile of his own.

"Nothing nothing, just realized you never fucking go home," I joke earning an eye roll as we walked, lewis having already wandered off with some pack girls nearby so it was just us two.

"Wanna hang during the ceremony?" Jake suddenly asks starting down at his feet before playfully bumping my shoulders, shrugging I bump him back. Today I felt pretty good with my medicine and in general so, why not.

"Sure right after the announcements let's go, "Smiling at me Jake does some silly little dance before running over to my mom so he could brag. They had a playful game of tug of war they loved to play with me so it was funny to see him try and outlive her.

" Your sons mine during the ceremony ha!" He taunts making her scoff.

"He still comes home to my darling," She teases in return making me laugh as we neared the stage, many pack member all gathered around with smiling faces, the women in beatific white dresses and the men in matching white suits in honor of the goddess ass we prepared for the event.

"Now that everyone is here let us start!" Alpha James announced as everyone cheered.

"Now to keep it short since I know you all want to get out and explore, Today is the day before blessing. The day before we will be graced with a new generation of leaders, My son Jake and his beta Israel not only close by blood but out of a bond formed not only just between them but with the pack! So let us celebrate! To the new generation!" Covering my ears I laugh loudly at the roar of the pack as they all cheered excitedly,  it was a wonder how easily Alpha James had gotten the pack riled up.

"Now go and follow your soon-to-be new Leaders to the beautiful even set up ahead," He instructs the pact that hastily turned to us, I wasn't one for attention but at the moment I would have to suck it up. Grinning at everyone I glace over at Jake that had the brightest smile of all, pushing his shoulder I turn around and begin sauntering to where I knew everything was set up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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