look what you have done

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(RD's POV)
Ugh, why did this had to happen, and was the factory telling the truth sonic's going to ditch me? made I should just listen to her, then something went past me "AHH!" "Who's there!" I let out "do you think you can kill yourself, " a deep voice said it kind of sounds like sonic? when he got angry at me"sonic?" is that you?" I whispered, then something came out of the darkness" it's you" I declared "wow how do you know me " he said smirking at me, then he vanished"where did you go" I explained "hm you're just like my dashing but nicer" he explained "NO IM NOT A KILLER" I yelled out" yes you are!!" "She told you that happen between us" "did she, "he asked"SHE DID! SHE SAID YOU AND SONIC ARE...." Before I can fines he scratches my stomach "why.....are...you...doing this" I sobbed and put my hooves in my stomach"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT THAT MY DASHIE BROKE UP WITH ME" he shouted at me as he lifted up his hand to hit me again but before he did it I spoke up"YOU......KNOW...IF YOU KILL ME YOU'LL KILL HER TO"I cried "if your lining ill come and kill you " he said and took off "I can't take it anymore it hurts so much"I cried before I knew I blacked out

(Sonic's POV)
We were looking all over the forest but there was no sign of dash " Come on dash where are you? "I said "will we find her" The red and orange Pegasus said"I hope so" "What's your name" I asked "scootaloo" "and you? "She asked " I'm sonic, sonic the hedgehog"I said " How do you know rainbow dash "she asked " I meet her while running and is she your mom or something"I asked curiously "hehe I wish she was my mom but she treats me like her sister since the camping trip"she giggled" WE FOUND HER"tails yelled out "where?!" I asked "look!" He whispered and pointed at some tree's I looked and saw a pony next to the river”dash is that you”I asked I looked at the pony and it was her but with a scratch stomach"s-sonic "she whispered" Dash are you ok"I asked her "YOU NEED TO GO BEFORE HE COMES BACK”she said" No I won't leave you”I picked her up and she just started to wine in pain "come on dashie I'll take you to tails so he can pach you up"I said " I'm sorry but I can't let you take her "a voice said

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