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Rainclouds rapidly form in a dome above your head and as if life couldn't get any worse, your favourite pair of shoes are covered in thick, oozing mud. Great.

Just one day of peace, laughter and joy, was it so much to ask for? With school deadlines so close they were practically sitting atop your chest and part-time jobs rejecting you left right and centre, a day of serenity and content was entirely out of reach.

"That'll be a fiver, miss." The cashier smiles and you muster up a lopsided one, fishing through the bottomless pit of pennies in your schoolbag. You're sure there was enough, but now you'd have to walk out in embarrassment, right in front of the people you hated most.

"It's no problem, I've got it." Before you can interrupt a hand intercepts your minor convenience, placing the exact amount of money on the table before accepting the banana milkshake and steamed bun that had once lay there.

"You really didn't have to do that." You smile shyly at the boy, who hands them to you with an earnest expression. "I wanted to and anyway, aren't you late for school?" He taps his watch, walking beside you, briskly.

"I wish I didn't have to put up with it." You sigh to yourself, adjusting the strap of your bag that had come slightly loose. The stranger pats your shoulder sympathetically, eyeing you up and down whilst you stare at the ground.

"What if I were to tell you, I'm your guardian angel?" You can't help but snort at his crinkled lids, smile so wide it infected the sadness in your chest. "I would call you a crazy guy." He pouts momentarily, before pointing over to a spot in front of you.

"How did you-"

"Angels have special powers and talents, silly."

"B-But you were just- and then- you teleported?"

He giggles sheepishly, giving you a small wave. "I noticed you've been having a rough time lately, so I wanted to pay you a little visit and my first surprise is only seconds away!" He cheers and you're still stunned, could he really be your guardian angel?

"Think of an outfit you'd love to wear and then stand super still, close your eyes and clap one time." Rather hesitantly, you follow his commands, giving him a brief glance as he motions towards your school locker. The hallway desolate due to the fact you were fifteen minutes late.

Within seconds all anxiousness disappears, the locker you once knew as cluttered and littered with useless items was now freshly painted, a small rail packed with clothes hung atop a shelf of assorted chocolates and sweets and of course a few study-guides here and there.

"Wow." You gasp, tugging on a hanger to reveal the exact dress you were dreaming about in your head only seconds ago. "Do you believe me now?" He folds his arms, grinning at you with confidence. "I guess so...but, surely you'd want something in return, right?" He chuckles, shaking his hands.

"Your smile is payment enough for me, now, close your eyes and click your fingers."

Doing just as he says, you stare at yourself in the locker-length mirror. Your hair is brushed out neatly, soft curls rolling past your shoulders with a gentle flow. The dress is a mini style, dainty bow detail on the top half to match a luxurious pearl necklace and a pair of elegant, shiny doc Martins.

"I'm speechless." The sigh almost brings a tear to your eye, you looked so awful this morning and now, now you looked just like you'd dreamed. "Thank you so much." You wilt for a moment, jolting ever so slightly when he leaps forward.

"Please don't cry, come with me, or you'll be late for class."

"But my teacher will yell at me!"

"Not when you have an invisible angel by your side!"

Before you can say anything else, he nudges you inside of the classroom and in a matter of instance, all eyes are on you. Bracing yourself for the usual throwing of paper balls and Mrs Jones screaming at you for being late, you're extremely surprised to hear words of kindness, compliments coming from every single being.

"I'm so sorry I arrived late, Mrs Jones."

You can't help but smile as the most popular girl in your class compliments the shoes you wore, she'd never said a kind thing to you, ever. "It's alright, take a seat."

The class goes by as if it had never existed and soon, you're on your way home, standing on the doorstep of your apartment block.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for me today, I seriously don't know how I would've coped lasting another day without my angel." You smile in the most precious way possible, ruffling the tufts of golden blonde on his head.

"You'll be back tomorrow, right?" He motions backwards slightly, pointing up at the sky. "I don't know if I'll ever be allowed back, but I want you to know that even if you can't see me, I'm always with you..."

"B-but you can't leave, you're the only reason my life was beginning to look up! I need you!"

A tear falls against the back of your palm as you wipe it away, watching his lips quiver in tandem to your own. "No silly, you may think I'm the reason you smiled today, but I only helped, you saw me, so you believed you could be happy, now you have to believe in yourself, okay?"

Shaking off the hurt, you come to realise what he says is truthful, even if it was a bitter pill to swallow. "If you're going to go...can I at least know the name of my guardian angel?"

He leans closer, pressing a hand beside your ear gently.

"Harry, Harry June." 

A/N - How sweet, hope you enjoyed! - Moonchild With Luv! <3 

Stream Still and Sorry Mama by DKB for clear skin and watch their stages because they have fire choreo! 

A/N - How sweet, hope you enjoyed! - Moonchild With Luv! <3 Stream Still and Sorry Mama by DKB for clear skin and watch their stages because they have fire choreo! 

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My Angel | Harry June | DKBWhere stories live. Discover now