I cannot understand
What must happen after death.
I cannot comprehend why the wonder of life
Must evaporate,
Like water in a puddle.
What do we do once we are dead?
And what must follow
An absolute end?
Would it not be fantastic if we could question those who have succumbed to death?
I personally think it would.
It would clear up a lot of confusion.
Perhaps it is best
That the confusion is allowed to stay.
That the wisdom of ghosts is left to lie with them a while.
Because after all,
People would be scared to know, for certain, the path
That they must take after death
And rightfully so,
An answer like that would change a lot
In this world of apparent certainties.
An answer like that
Might well make us meaningless…
Maybe I mightn’t be so ready
And maybe it mightn’t be so fantastic
Perhaps we can all prosper without such knowledge,
Living quietly in a lie
That nobody will ever know.
The Wisdom of Ghosts
PoetryThis is the first actual poem I've done that isn't for school so feel free to critique it and give me tips if anyone has any. The poem is about the uncertainty of death, and what happens to us once we do die. I'm sure almost everyone can relate to h...