The House

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Hinata Pov

I yawned and stretched as my alarm went off. I looked out the window and, to my shock, saw a rainbow. It must have stopped raining only a little while ago. I slid out of bed and padded over to the window. I looked at the time and saw it was already 5:30.

I cursed pulling on some clothes and grabbed my duffle. I ran into the hall and banged on the doors of the twins.

"Get up! We're running late!" I yelled. I heard cursing from Tsumu's room and a thump from Samu's room. Soon both of them busted out of their rooms.

"You two need to need to go get your bags," I said. They nodded and ran out of the house. I headed downstairs to see Rei starting to get things ready to start making breakfast.

"Don't worry about making breakfast Rei. We're running late," I said. I opened up the cabinets and grabbed a box of granola bars. I threw it into my bag.

"Very well Shoyo-Sama. Do you need me to drive you?" Rei asked. I stopped and thought about it for a second. The walk was only about ten minutes and if all of us ran it would probably be about six minutes. But taking the car would get us there in four minutes.

"Yeah get the car ready. We'll need it," I said. Rei bowed and I ran out. I waited at the stairs of the shrine for Tsumu and Samu.

Two minutes later the twins came running down the stairs. Both had their volleyball bags thrown over their shoulders and were panting by the time they made it to the bottom of the stairs.

"Lets go, we need to hurry," Tsumu said.

"Wait a second," I said.

"We don't have a second," Tsumu said angrily. A second later the Lexus pulled up.

"Come on," I said opening the door shooing them in. They both slid in and I jumped in after them slamming the door closed.

"Go Rei," I said. Rei nodded and stepped on it.

"Whose car is this?" Samu asked. They both probably thought that this might be Rei's.

"Technically it is mine, but I can't drive it until I'm 18. And by then I'll probably be given a new one," I said.

"A new one?" Tsumu asked.

"Yeah. My third cousin owns a car manufacturing company. About every three years he sends me a new one. My sister just got her first one this year," I said.

"Seriously?" Tsumu asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "Honestly I prefer the cousin I have that sends me motorcycles."

"Sends you motorcycles?" Samu asked.

"Yeah. My fourth cousin. She is a stunt woman and likes her motorcycles. She gave me my first one when I was 7 and then for my birthday this year," I explained.

"Why after so many years did she decide to give you one again?" Samu asked.

"Well because I just turned 16. It finally became legal for me to drive it," I said.

"Where is it?" Tsumu asked.

"Last I saw it, it was back home in Miyagi. I'll have to have it sent to Nagano before I go there," I said thoughtfully.

Rei pulled up to the school and we tumbled out. The three of us ran to the gym. Waiting outside was Kita and the regulars.

"You're almost late," Kita said. And it was true it was 5:55.

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