Chapter 77

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The world's happy waiting
Doors yellow, broken, blue
I heard Jenny saying
"Go get the kids from school"
And I keep thinking back to
A time under the canyon moon

The world's happy waitingDoors yellow, broken, blueI heard Jenny saying"Go get the kids from school"And I keep thinking back toA time under the canyon moon

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Freddie and MJ are racing eachother down the double slides. And Harry looks like a damn kangaroo with Harry Junior swaddled to his chest while he pushes Dorothy and Juliet simultaneously on the swings. And as I sit on this park bench, watching my family laugh and smile together, all I feel is overwhelming love and joy.

Life sure has a crazy way of working things out.

I can't believe this is my life, honestly.

I am married to the love of my life and have five beautiful children.

Before I met Harry, I would have never pictured my life to turn out like this. I never thought happiness was in the cards for me.

Yeah sure, I still have my bad days. Days where my depression and anxiety will try to get the best of me. But everyone has days like that, it's inevitable.

What really matters, though, is that I now have more good days than bad ones.

The moment my mother died, my life instantly was filled with so much darkness. And that darkness destroyed my father. It also seemed to have pushed my brother to be extremely careless and reckless in his actions.

I was forced to be the strong one of the family and take on a shit load of responsibility. And that was so fucking exhausting.

I used to think that I would end up living with the burden of taking care of my father and bailing Dawson out of whatever trouble he got himself in for the rest of my life.

Shit, I used to hate myself.

I used to put up this facade that I was confident in who I am. But I was the furthest from that.

I was self conscious and insecure to a fault.

And then Harry came along. He showed me that there is an end to the tunnel of darkness my life was and that there is a light at that end. And he ended up being that light.

He helped me relieve myself of that burden I placed upon myself. He also showed me that I am worth all the love and happiness in the world. That I am beautiful and deserving of so much more than I thought.

He helped give me strength in a time where all I felt was weak.

My life has never been the same since I met him.

And if I had to live through all the pain and hardship all over again just to end up where I am now, I would in a heartbeat.

Harry is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Now, I can say with confidence, that I am happy. Something I never thought I would feel again after my mother died.

I look in the mirror now and am proud of what I see.

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