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A/N Jenasha and I were bored in the power outage and she asked me to tell her a story so I made this shit up outta nowhere and thought it was interesting to share. Keep in mind there was no effort or anything placed into it, there's no edits or good descriptions LMAO

It'll be deleted in a few hours, tis just a short story

Narrator's pov


There's this girl that sits in the back of class everyday, her eyes never linger further than the end of her desk. Perhaps she was anti social or scared to see into the eyes of those around her 

So one day the cheerleader of the school walks in acting like the queen of England all high and mighty, trying to bully people out of their seats but the teacher yells at her and forces her to sit in the back with that same shy girl

After minutes of bickering, the cheerleader sits in the seat with a scowl on her face and her arms crossed like the pathetic little bottom she is

The shy girl didn't notice her at first but then she finally raised her head out of that notebook of hers to see the girl of her dreams

Like literally. That previous night she had a dream about a girl with silver streaks in her hair, chewing and popping a pink bubble gum wearing a yellow and white pleated skirt 

the cheerleader gave her a cold glare, trying to intimidate the girl to turn away but to her surprise the shy girl doesn't move her head an inch. Her soft brown orbs just continued to pierce into hers

At first the cheerleader was annoyed, but then she relaxed into the stare. Her tense shoulders fell while her cocked eyebrow relaxed.

A smile pulled its way across the shy girl's cheek. Her pale skin turning a bright shade of red. Her smile became contagious, because that cheerleader seemed to be hypnotized by her charms in those coffee brown eyes.

A smile came onto her own face, a soft giggle escaped both their lips as they turned away. Their cheeks still stained red from blushing 

She asked for her name but the shy girl stayed silent, her eyes only focusing on the notebook on her desk

Her fingwrs twirling around her pencil as she continued to sketch something the cheerleader was intrigued by

So the silver hair girl leaned over, her fave hovering over the girl's shoulder. Her hot breath lingering over the girl's ear, causing her eyes to close from the sudden intoxicating warmth of the cheerleader

The cheerleader's icy blue eyes were now the soft flowing midnight oceans, brushing against the sand and sizzling at the shy girl's feet.

Their faces were only an inch apart, she didn't dare turn her face because she knew what would happen if she did

The cheerleader's eyes flickered over the girl's notepad and what she saw had her eyes left wide open

The cheerleader's face went grey, her jaw fell slightly as she tilted her head to the side, examining the naked picture of the girl that looked way too similar to her own body

She knew it was herself on that page, yet she wasn't upset at the fact that a girl had been drawing her naked body in her spare time. She was more intrigued by the fact that the girl was thinking about her

But then, other thoughts started to come to her mind. If that girl was drawing images of her body, then it obviously meant she was attracted to her. Or that's what she hoped for.

So why not tease.

A smirked pulled across her lips when she realized she was still an inch away from the girl's face. Her fingers hooked under the girl's chin and turned her head to face hers.

The girl's eyes immediately fell onto her lips.

They seemed so plump, so inviting. Those soft pink lips were the only thing on her mind, the feeling of having them on her own was sending a heat to the pit of her stomach

The cheerleader smirked as she slowly leaned in. Surprised that her heart was pounding in her chest, matching the echo of the shy girl

Her lips captured between the girl's bottom lip, immediately feeling a tingle erupt in the pit of her stomach. It felt like an electric feeling was running through her veins as her lips touched the girl's soft lips

The shy girl's heart was throbbing in her chest, her head started to spin when the girl's hands cupped her face. A moan almost escaped her lips when the girl's tongue slid against her own

The cheerleader's eyes went wide when she felt a sharp pain run through her body. The shy girl's fingers sunk into the girl's neck, digging her thumb into her bones while they kissed passionately.

The shy girl's teeth sunk into the girl's bottom lip, slowly dragging it backwards as a moan left the cheerleader's throat

But like all good things, they must come to an end. They were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throats.

The girls quickly pulled apart and their eyes landed on the tall grey hair man folding his arms against his chest and giving them a deadly glare

Then in came the dumb jock aka the cheerleader's boyfriend. His smile was bright when he entered the class, walking towards his girlfriend and slinging his asks across her shoulder, giving her a small peck on the cheek. Obvious to the fact that everyone in the class was gasping

But then, in came another man standing at the door. His navy blue suit was pressed well but nothing matched his wrinkled brows as he gave the shy girl a deadly glare, matching the teacher's

The shy girl hung her head low, knowing she was in far much more trouble than anyone else in the school

The man stepped into the class and eveyone stood to show their respect to the principle. His feet walked fast as he made his way over to his daughter, his arms gripped hers as he tugged her out of her seat

With one last glance before being dragged out of the classroom. The shy girl glances in the direction of the cheerleader

Again, something she rarely ever did

The cheerleader gave her a weak smile, feeling the stinging pain in her heart and the guilt taking over

But nothing could have described what the cheerleader saw when she noticed the shy girl's eyes weren't coffee brown anymrke.

For they were glowing red

-End of story-

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