Chapter 6

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The bus them pulled up a the nearest motel. Sarah looked at the building questionably as the hurd of students stood out by the bus.

"I've seen worse." Scott said making the others turn to him.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asked just as Coach Finstock blew his whistle.

"Alright, listen up!" He called out to the students all around the bus. "The meet's been pushed back till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves." He said making Sarah role her eyes as the coach continued. "You'll be pairing up. So choose wisely, and I'll have no sexual perversions, perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands, to your dirty little selves!" He said as students collected they're things from the bus.

Sarah then took one more look back at the motel and just couldn't shake her head around it, something wasn't right about this place, and that's what made her nervous the most.

"Ok does anyone else get a really bad feeling about this place?" Sarah asked no on in particular, as she looked at the old run down motel.

"I'm sure it's fine." Allison said with a reassuring smile. "It's probably all just in your head." She added as she wrapped an arm around Sarah. The two started walking towards the motel but stopped when they saw Lydia just standing alone in the barking lot.

"Lydia, are you alright?" Sarah asked.

"I don't like this place." Lydia said not taking her eyes off the building.

"Not you too." Allison said disappointed. "Lydia it's all going to be fine. It's just for a night." She said trying to reassure her friend.

"A lot can happen in one night." Lydia said as she walked into the building with her friends.


Sarah Allison said Lydia were all walking into the room with thier things. Sarah paused as she looked at the room. Two queen size beds with sheets that looked dirty. Stains on the rug and the smell of smoke and cigarettes was more then enough to bother Sarah.

"This is a joke right?" Sarah asked looking over at her friends.

"Oh it's not that bad." Allison interjected as she walked into the bathroom. "Okay it's bad, but it could be alot worse." She added making Sarah chuckle and shake her head. She then looked at Lydia who was looking like a lost puppy in the room.

"Lydia are you sure you're ok?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Lydia told the witch and headed towards the door. "I'm just gonna go down to the front desk and ask for some towels that don't smell like smoke." She said closing the door behind her.

Sarah sighed and sat down on one of the bed as heard the water started running in the shower. She then felt her stomach grumble and realized she hadn't eaten since this afternoon.

"I'm gonna head down to the vending machine and get some snacks." Sarah said behind the door. She then nodded her head after hearing a faint "Ok!" From Allison.


On the other side of the motel Stiles and Scott were in thier room getting settled in.

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