16. "ɪ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ."

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He's glad that Iwaizumi is here with him at the Gala.

The spiky-haired male would stand by him like a bodyguard, glaring at anyone who came too close. Iwaizumi looked exactly like a bodyguard too; clad in an all-black tuxedo that he quickly bought from a store. But seeing the male so protective greatly comforted Oikawa. He's never felt so safe and protected before.

And every time he would catch a glimpse of the Mori's, (which is too often for it to be coincidental), his body would instantly freeze on instinct. His hands would tremble, and it'd suddenly feel like he was starting to drown.

But then Iwaizumi would clasp his shaking hands ever-so gently, and the spiky-haired male would take them far away from the Mori's.

Far, far away.

This time, they ended up on a balcony on the second floor of where the Gala was being hosted. The commotion of the party seemed to muffle the moment they stepped out into the cool breeze of the night.

He took quick steps to the railing and inhaled deeply to calm his racing heartbeat; his limbs still trembling. Iwaizumi had let him go, and he really wished that the male didn't.

"It's not too late to leave, Oikawa."

Exhaling softly, he looked up at the night sky, twinkling with stars. "Let's stay a little longer, Iwa-chan," he said, softly. "We have a revenge to serve."

"You have a revenge to serve, Shittykawa." grumbled Iwaizumi.

He continued staring at the sky. "So, you won't help me?"

There's a pause, and for a moment, Oikawa longed to be anywhere but here tonight.

Anywhere with Iwa-chan, he thought.

"Of course I'm going to help you, Crappykawa," sighed Iwaizumi. "I'll help you with anything. The Mori's deserve it."

"Even murder?"


He giggled and turned around to face his Iwa-chan. Grabbing the latter's hands, he intertwined their fingers smoothly and pulled them back into the building. Too surprised to do anything, Iwaizumi let himself be dragged into the hell inside.

Oikawa turned his back on the spiky-haired male but continued holding one of the latter's hands. A smile crept onto his lips, and a soft blush spread across his cheeks as he tried to keep himself from laughing again.

They pushed past several other guests that were dressed to the nines. Oikawa thought they, themselves, didn't look too shabby for last minute outfits.

He had chosen an all-white suit that was a matching one to Iwaizumi's. Because of the creamy-hued bandage around his head, he thought it was rather fitting and would almost compliment his attire, but Iwaizumi had scoffed at him when he suggested it. The male said that the two whites weren't even the same color.

So he forced Iwa-chan to bring him a bandage that was the same angelic white of his suit, and to his surprise, Iwaizumi complied. The latter brought one and then unwrapped the old bind, cleaning the wound carefully, and finally, wrapped the new bandage over it.

He tried so hard to calm his fluttering heart when Iwaizumi did that. But he failed, and he was so sure that his soulmate would point out how loud his heartbeat was, but the spiky-haired male only commented that it now looked like he was wearing a headband.

"Which seems dumb for a Gala," Iwaizumi had said.

He had smacked the male then, but now he's chuckling over the memory. A warm smile graced his lips, and he slyly glanced back behind him to catch a glimpse of his Iwa-chan.

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