part 8-blake

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I go outside with jack and he hops in my car. 'can we go for a ride, I wanna get a slushee.' he says I get it and we go down the road I see blake outside.

I honk the horn and he turns and laughs. 'HI BLAKE!' Jack yells, blake runs to the car and gives him a hug. 'you've gotten so big buddy.' he says as jack is still attached to his neck. 'i'm 7 now.' he says proudly.

'that's great buddy.' he says 'come get slurpees with us.' jack says pointing at the back seat. I unlock the car and Blake gets in.

I play music and we all sing the music and then Noah calls me.

'Hey.' I say answering the call. 'Hey noah.' blake says waving at him 'what are you doing.' noah says 'WE GETTIN SLURPEES' Jack yells 'Jack, we don't yell okay.' I say

When he yells he gets very mad and has an episode.

'don't tell me what to do' he says I pull to the side of the road. 'Jack. We can go back home and me and blake will go.' I say seriously

He raises his hand like he's going to hit me. 'Jack.' Blake says grabbing his hand 'don't touch me.' he says pulling back and hitting blake's hand.

'No.' I say firmly and grabbing his hands. 'We do not hit our friends.' I say he turns red. 'Noah can I call you back please.' I say looking at my phone.

'yeah. call me back please.' he says and then hangs up. 'WHY DID YOU DO THAT.' Jack says and his my face. 'Jack.' I say slapping the top of his hand, he hates when anyone touches the tops of his hands.

Blake has seen his episodes and knows what to do

'Jack, your sister is being nice and buying you a slurpee and you just hit her. how would you like it if she did that?' He says calmly

'I hate liv.' he says I grab my phone and call my mom.

"pick jack up please, he's having an episode and i'm with blake.' I say and then hang up

my mom picks him up and then we go to 7/11

"are you okay?" blake says hugging me "yeah, he's been having a lot of them recently.' I say filling up my cup. We check out and then go to my car.

'can I tell you something?' he says I look at him and he grabs my face and kisses me. 'blake.' I say pulling back.

'ever since I saw you at la I have started falling for you.' he says putting his hand on my thigh. I move his hand. 'blake i'm kinda seeing noah.' I say looking at him awkwardly.

'I know but I could treat you so much better.' he says going in again I move my face and drive back to his house. I drop him off and call Noah.

'Hey, what's wrong.' he says reading my face. 'I don't want you to be mad.' I say he sits up and then says 'what happened.' he says seriously.

'blake kissed me but I didn't kiss back. I told him I was seeing you and he tried again and I just took him home.' I say looking at his reaction. 'I won't hang out with him again, i'm sorry for putting myself in that situation.' I say pulling into the drive way

'did you kiss him back?' he says 'no. I pulled back.' I say biting my lip. 'Then why would i be mad.' he says 'I don't know, I didn't want him to tell you and you get mad that I didn't tell you.' I say walking inside

'Jack is in his room napping, please be quite.' my mom says 'k, how is he.' I say 'he's a mess. he misses dad.' she says

I go upstairs and close my room door. 'babe.' I say catching noah's attention. ' yes beautiful.' he says bubbly.

'I miss teasing you.' I say laughing he shakes his head and then smiles. ' I see you in 2 days.' he says 'so how was jack.' he says

'he's been getting worse, my dad left a couple months ago and it's done a lot to him and he just wants to talk to him.' I say playing with my hair.

'i'm sorry liv, i hope he gets better.' he says

we talk for hours getting to know each other to the point to where he falls asleep on the phone.

I hear the door open in his room and someone says 'noah.' and then the phone hangs up.

I go on snap and look at the sway house and dixie is there. 'you have got to be fucking kidding me' I say going down the hall.

josh text me 'dixie just went into noah's room and the door is locked. I don't know what to do.' it reads

'i'll try calling him. stay at the door.' I text and then call him 2 times no answer.

'he didn't answer.' I send

he's not your boyfriend yet, she may just want to talk.

'he's busy.' the text reads from noah's contact.

Josh calls me 'she just texted me off his phone, I don't know what to do bc I can't be mad he's not my boyfriend but he said they ended things.' i say

'liv. i'm so sorry.' he says and then the door unlocks 'shh.' he says walking behind the wall. he points the camera to noah walking out of the room visibly mad.

'I can't stand her bro.' he says to josh, he puts me on pause 'what happened.' josh says 'she walked in grabbed my phone and hung up on liv and then texted her and said she was a whore and that blake and her fucked, she set them up I guess but liv told me what happened and blake tried to kiss her and she didn't even kiss him back. and then she tried to show me a video but it's not even liv, not even close to her.' noah says

'she's fucking crazy.' josh says 'i need to call liv.' noah says and then josh puts my back on the screen.

'I called her when I saw dixie go in.' he says then noah says 'what did you think i'd do anything with her?' he says with an attitude. 'no, liv is my sister and I don't trust dixie.' he says

'what ever.' Noah says and then goes back to his room.

he never called me back.

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