Science And The Universe

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Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.

-Stephen Hawking-







My overall Fondness and Love about Science and The Universe grew as I grow up.

I still remember my very first encounter about the magnificient Universe.

I will begin my recollections...


Growing up is one of my difficult experiences, which I got by in the end. Throughout my age development, one of my companions were the stars. Mostly.

These stars guided me above by glistening and flickering across the vast midnight skies.

I could still remember waking up in the middle of the night, sneaking up to my room to our backyard.

I remembered the crisp air surrounding my little body, making me shiver in delight and anticipation. As I make my way to our backyard, hundreds of fireflies scattered the dark areas. Helping me find my way through the dark path.

I recalled dragging a wooden chair, making scraping noises that made our housemates trembled in fear because of me. Which made me laugh today.

Going back to my story, I placed my chair at the middle of our graveled backyard. The chickens cackled curiosly inside their fence, crickets producing their melodic natural symphony.

I hopped onto the chair then settled comfortably. Leaning my back, I tilted my head above. My little feet swinging in joy.

My curious eyes tried to count the countless stars.

One. Two. Three. Four....
Hundred one. Hundred two. Hundred three.

I began to yawn, my eyes sleepy and teary as I gaze at the moon. So, I took a short nap and the next thing I knew. It was almost morning.

The sun is beginning to rise up. I could smell the sweetness of the dew hurling through the air.

The stars are fading due to the brightness of the sun, which fascinated my eyes and most of all...

My childhood curiosity...

From that day, My heart grew to love Science. My curiosity grew tremendously because of the wonderful phenomenon occuring around me.

As I grow up to this day, my curiosity about the Universe grew intensely that I want to satisfy.

Ever since the internet was introduced into our household, the first thing I did was to search about the stars.

I diligently searched and searched. Until I came upon this particular fact about the connection of the Universe to Us.

It stated that, "Ninety percent of our body mass is, in fact, stardust..."

Due to that interesting fact, I knew why I am completey and utterly magnified towards the Universe.

I knew why my heart beats frantically when I hear the word Science.

It is because many parts of me is part of the Universe itself.

My whole being is the Universe itself.

Just like what the quote I have recently read,

"As The Universe, So The Soul."

I am The Universe.

Most of all...

I'm thankful that I'm a part of it.




Ugh. I love them.

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