~•° The start of a new day °•~ |Ep. 1|

232 9 4

Bryan's POV-





That was the sound of a alarm clock that woke up the tierd Bryan.

Bryan - Ughhh... Another day of hell.

Bryan sayed in a tierd and annoyed tone.
After saying that he got out of bed, and took a shower, after the shower he got dressed in his usaual wear, after dressing up he started walking out of the house to his theme park, where his "friends" where.

~°• 5 min later °•~

He finnaly made it to his theme park,
he walked in the theme park as he sayed his usual line-

Bryan - Another day at Freaddy Land, lets see what my "friends" are up to today!

He sayed as he put on a smile as he walked in.

As he was walking twords the Circus tent, he quietly looked to see who was online, but he kept hidden, just incase they are talking about him. He silently hid outside of the tent as he was trying to listen to his "firends".

Baby - Bryan really needs to finnaly do his job right.

Helpy - Yeah, he also maybe wouldent be such a bad buissnes owner if he did his work right.

Lefty - Can you guys stop talking bad about him, its really not nice.

Bryan smiled that Lefty still cares about him.

Funtime Chica - What?? We are saying the truth! Hes also very lazy.

Rockstar Foxy - He also cant lisen to others, like- he always puts himself indanger by going to the portal! He mostlikely likes to put himself in danger for attention.

Helpy - Hes also very stupid, hes also very very childish.

Evey single word hurt Bryan, but he didnt cry, becouse he knew this was happening ever since he got the theme park, he onece was looking for everybody, when he found them, they where talking bad things about him.
He really at this point didnt care for them that much as he used to.

He waited for a moment of silence so he can enter the tent without them knowing that he knows what they are saying about him.
When the silence came, he put on a smile and enterd the tent-

Bryan - Hey guys!

Everyone sayed they're own versons of hi.

Bryan - So what are you all doing?

Helpy - Oh, just talking about uninportant stuff, ya know?

Bryan - Yup! Welp i need to go, so if anybody needs me, you can find me in my office.

All of the animatrnics - Allright!

As the animatrnics sayed that- Bryan went to his office to do his work.
When Bryan entered his office he noticed a big stacked papers on his desk, he sight as he got to work.

~°• 4h later •°~

He was finaly done with the paperwork.
sight of exosion.

Bryan's mind - {FINALY Done!}

He disicted that he will take a tiny break.
He went upstairs to his hotel room in the park, he went in his room and looked around to make sure noones near or spying on him. After checking his surroundings he went to his closet and took out his guitar that he hid under his clothes.
He sat on his bed as he sight and started to play on his guitar, as he sang along with the melody.

As Bryan was done sinning he heard a sound from the vents.
He dicited to check, as he went up to the vent. He opend the vent and saw the manged up bear- Molten, who was spying on him.

Bryan - What are you doing here, spying on me?

Molten - I was just checking on you, since you always get in truble.

Bryan - Mhm... Like im going to belive that. What are you doing here?

Molten jumped down from the vent.

Molten - Like i sayed- i was checking on you and making sure you dont get in truble.

Bryan - Yeahhh yeahhhh, sure, now leave.

Molten - What? Got something to hide?

Bryan - No, i just want you to get out becouse your getting annoying.

Molten - Fine i'll go.

Molten sayed as he walked out of Bryan's

Bryan - Ughhhhh when will he leave me alone?

Bryan whisperd to himself.

Bryan's mind - Well i am planing on quitting soon cuz this place is hell and i got a invite to join a musical group. This will be intresting...

After thinking for a bit, he dicited to take a nap. He walked to his bed and quicly fell asleep.


Little did he know-

He would finaly find out who he really was, as a old friend would help him remember...

~°•The Unexpected future•°~ (On Hold!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora