Chapter One

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A/n- The song has nothing to do with the story it's just what I was listening to while writing or I guess typing this. I had a Rin playlist on. I do listen to Neru a lot and JudyPhobic as well. Okay well on to the story? Oh wait one thing I basically made this story using my Oc you can change anything you want. Also the setting is modern so they aren't robots but they are in music school. Aiko asura is her name.

Aiko's P.O.V-
I recently moved to a small town and I start my first day of school starts in 2 days. Ah I haven't even finished settling in and already I have to start worrying about school. I chose the worst time to move but I didn't have a choice I had finished high school and I decided to take school away from my hometown.

My parents were so proud I got a scholarship to one of the best music schools ever, Hatsune University run by the most amazing musician ever Mrs. Hatsune Miku! I cried when I found out I got in. I decided to unpack a few more boxes before I go buy food. I moved into an apartment since it's just me.

I don't think I can afford a house just yet plus I have no need for one. What would I do with all that space? My parents are helping me with some of the bills even though I argued that they shouldn't have to pay and I can handle it somehow, but they insisted. More like they inforced it. It's the least they could do they said.

I'll admit I'm slightly nervous. What type of people will I meet? Will I be able to make friends? What about my teachers? All this thinking made me feel slightly worried and homesick.

I finished unpacking the kitchen and stepped back to admire my decorating skills. Not bad if I say so myself, deciding to take a break and get food, I grabbed my bag, phone, and keys. Okay so now I have to figure out where everything is thank goodness google maps were invented.

After many wrong turns I finally arrived at a small corner shop. I had to walk since I can't drive yet. It was pretty cold outside, man I should have brought a jacket or something. I shivered and mentally scolded myself before entering the warmth of the store. Thank god it wasn't far.

Okay since I walked here I can't buy much. Hmmmm what should I get? I looked around and by the time I realized it I had a basket full of ramen in my arms. Well guess I'm living off of ramen for a while. I walked to the fruits section and saw some very delicious oranges 🍊 in front of me.

I reached over and grabbed what look like the most perfect orange ever! Apparently I wasn't the only one because I realized someone had their hand on mine. I quickly retracted my hand. "S-sorry! I didn't mean to get in your way I-I'll just go!" Ahhhh why do I have to be so awkward! This is why I hate leaving home. T-T

Rin's P.O.V-
Me and Len decided to stop by the convenience store on our way home from school. I wanted oranges he agreed only because he wanted some bananas. "Wow it's pretty cold today much colder than usual..." Len said as he looked at the frosted glass of cars. "Yeah I know what you mean!" I said as I rubbed my arms in an attempt to warm myself up.

We entered the store and I ran straight to the orange section. A particular orange caught my eye and immediately went for it when I felt another hand under mine. I looked over to see a girl with black hair and green eyes freak out and apologized as she let go of the orange.

"It's okay! Here you can have it you did technically get it first. You don't have to apologize, I come here often to raid the oranges. Actually I might call myself an orange expert by now!" I smiled at her as she slowly took the orange from my hand. I noticed she wasn't wearing very warm clothes. Isn't she cold?

Len was already done and he decided to join me with a whole bunch of bananas in his arms. "Are you done? I wanna go home already and finish my homework." I huffed as I remembered I had homework as well.

Aiko's P.O.V-
This girl is so nice she lied about the orange because it was pretty obvious she got it first. (A/n no you idiot you got it first *sweatdrop*) Wait what their twins?? They must be they look way too similar to just pass of as siblings!!! "Uh um thank you so much for the orange!" I carefully too it from her. "No problem! I'm Rin and thats my twin Len."

"Hey I can introduce myself if I want to. Just cause your older by seconds doesn't mean your in charge of me." I stood awkwardly and waited till the twins stopped arguing for a moment.

The twins both had bright blue eyes and blonde hair. They wore school uniforms so they must be around my age. "Oh nice to meet you. Im Aiko and I just recently moved here. Actually I moved here last weak."

We talked for a little longer my awkwardness fading a bit as we paid together and walked outside together. I learned that they go to the same school I will be attending and that they have produced and composed a few songs on their own. I also learned they personally know Mrs. Hatsune. Ill admit I'm slightly jealous.

As soon as we stepped outside I started shivering. "Are you cold? Why didn't you bring a jacket?" Len asked slightly judging me.

"Ah sorry I didn't expect it to get cold and was kind of in a rush..." He is very blunt...... "Here you can have my jacket! I have another one in my bag." Rin took of her jacket and handed it to me. I politely declined since I don't live very far. "It's okay! I live nearby a few minutes in the cold won't hurt." I'm actually not sure how far away I live-

"It's okay! I have another one plus our uniforms are long sleeved. Better than your short sleeves." I didn't want to but I eventually gave in. "You guys said you also go to Hatsune Univirsity right? I'll return it then!" She wasn't wrong about the uniforms but I still felt bad.

We said our goodbyes and parted ways. They were nice. I hope I meet more nice people but I'm glad to at least know someone in my new school.

 I hope I meet more nice people but I'm glad to at least know someone in my new school

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Art doesn't belong to me. I do draw so maybe I might add some later on. Oof. Please give me feedback on mah horrible writing.

Edited: 02-20-22 sorry I finally decided to look at this story again and rewrite the two chapters I posted and the two drafts I never shared. Please don't expect fast updates my mental health isn't good right now.

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