Wayo's Power

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Ming POV:

I don't know why dad did this, he never allowed wayo to show his wolf to anyone but why now. I have to ask him but he is still busy with alpha Max and Alpha earth.

"P suthee, is meeting still going on". I asked my brother through mind link.
"Yeah ming, its almost over". He told me.
"Phi do you have any idea why dad tody allowed others to see bass, you know how he is possesive about Wayo's wolf form". I asked my brother.
"Even i am confused but i trust dad so trust him ming, we will ask him later".
"Phi i know i trust him its just that dad didn't inform us about all this thing". Saying i cut the link.
I trust my dad but i can't help and get worried.

After meeting we had lunch with both Alpha, P' nate sitting beside P'suthee and dad is sitting near to both alpha. and mom is sitting right side of the dad and i am sitting left side of the mom.They ask us about wayo they want to meet him but he is still sleeping.
I think he cried a lot so he is tired, my mom let him sleep in her room.

He have his own room but he never sleep there. Normally he sleep with me if he is angry with me then he go to mom dad or 'phi' Nate.
And also he love his sleep. He always wake up early in the morning and then sleep in the afternoon such a spoiled brat.

"Mingkwan you know about chiang Mai university right". Alpha Max ask me.
I know Alpha. don't worry alpha, i will not hurt any human and will not disclose ourselves. I assured alpha Max.

Chinag mai university is famous for human. their most of the student are human and they don't know about werewolves. So we can't disclose ourselves to them. Humans their don't know that wolves are also studying with them well its not like we are going there for degree or something. There we will get our alpha training.

"mingkwan its not just about human, there you will also meet other creature like elf, vampire, hybrid they can sense you and you also can. And every year council member organinse a competition between us. from last two year it was a tie between wolves and vampire and before that vampires is the one who won that match this time i am looking forward for this match. My son phana and forth Alpha earth's son have been participating in that match now you also going this year go participate this match and win it". Alpha max told me seriously.

"Alpha if we won that match what we will get, i am mean why are we so serious about this match". I am curious i want to know why this competition is important.

"If you will win this match councillor member will give you personally one month training, there they will give some power to you guys as an reward those powers are magic power which can be usefull for war". This time alpha earth told me this information.

"What kind of magic power is this" i asked both alpha.
"You will get to know at the time of Competition". This time my dad spkoe to me.
"Don't worry alphas i will go and join the match and we will win that match for sure". saying i bowed my head infront of them.

"Uncle max uncle earth swadee kha. Arghh now he is here but still not looking at me.
"You are having lunch with us, Daddy why didn't you told me".sitting besides dad Pouting yo asked dad.
"Uncle max my mom make best food and uncle earth you know pink milk taste best do you want to try it". He is asking so many thing but not letting them speak.

Aee yo if you are not going to let them speak then why are you asking so many question.
"who are you, i am not talking to you". He is angry.
"Uncle Max you see i am cute beautiful and smart but this guy ming he is not smart not cute and beautiful like me. Still he have so much attitude". saying yo glared at me
"Uncle max uncle earth dont talk to him and told 'P' phana and 'P' forth not to be friend with him". Now he is complaining to them such a baby he is.
Every one is laughing now on yo's antics.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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