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The car pulled to a stop.I jerked awake.I didn't know when I fell asleep.I rubbed my eyes.Mama always said that I was a light sleeper and would get up with the slightest disturbance so it was no surprise.I wiped my face clean of any tear marks.Maybe we have reached the place.He hadn't made any stops since we started from the Church and even then it had taken the whole night.The darkness of the night was slowly being replaced by the light,albeit very little.The dark clouds hovering in the sky didn't help the matters. The huge man grunted and cursed as he got out of the car.My cheeks reddened at his atrocious language.Soon he was standing with the door open.A scowl marring his face.

"Get out." He said not so nicely.I got my bearings and not wanting to make him mad,scrambled out of the car leaving the warmth .A chill made me shudder.I gulped and looked around my new surroundings.My eyes widened as the realization struck.I looked around once more to be sure.

It's the same.The castle.Involuntary my hands started trembling.The boy with two eyes.This is his home.I hadn't forgotten about him even after all this time.

"Come on." The huge man barked from the top stair that led to the main doors.I stayed glued to my spot."Fuck" The man cursed and came down towards me in angry strides.I closed my eyes shut fearing the worst,bringing the small bag in front of me as a shield.But he didn't hit me.He grabbed my upper arm tightly.I gasped my eyes open at the tight grip and the hurt it caused but reeled in my voice.I didn't resist as he pulled me inside.

The two men standing guard didn't flick their eyes at the plight of the little girl being dragged against her wish.Not like they cared.My eyes roamed at the interior and it was still as I remembered it .

"Where is boss?" The man asked a middle aged woman who came into view.I knew her.I saw her with the boy.

"Is that her?" She asked in disdain.Her dislike of me apparent as it had been the last time I was here.She clucked her tongue and nodded to the corridor.The huge man dragged me to the familiar door.He stopped and let go of my arm,fastening the loose tie around his neck .He took extra care and righted his appearance,brushing his hair back form his face.I rubbed my arm absentmindedly,staring at the blue-green finger marks.He knocked gently and waited patiently,a  complete contrast to his behavior since I met him.

A muffled "come in" from inside.He opened the door and entered.Waiting for me to do the same before he closed the door gently.

I gawked at the impressive room.It was bigger than any place I had stayed before.Only in movies had I seen such luxuriousness.Such opulence.A big wooden table in the middle with the same design as the main door occupied the center. There was a big  screen directly across it.Shelves along the wall collected some books and files.There was a complete sofa set on the right near the full wall glass windows overlooking the garden with different colored flowers.I stared at it with my mouth hung open completely transfixed.

"You are late." A dark voice said from behind the table bringing my eyes back to the table.I leaned up on my toes to make out the owner of the voice but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't see him.

The huge man by my side grimaced and looked at the ground,somehow seeming afraid.I stopped trying as well.If the huge man was this scared of whoever sat behind the table then it is better that I behave myself.I stood meekly until a big shadow came from the side.

I lifted my eyes up and up.He was taller than the man by my side.And wider.He was big and wore an immaculate black suit.He was handsome with salt pepper hair.His nose straight and lips thin.Neatly trimmed beard on strong jaw.His eyes blue.I shrink-ed back from them.Not comfortable with the same blue color I saw on someone else .He studied me from head to toe.Taking in my drenched appearance.I straightened my skirt subconsciously.My eyes down.

The sound of a slap echoed in the silent room.I jumped and looked up.When did he move there?

"Why are her clothes drenched?" The big man asked the huge man in a deep tone standing directly in front of the huge man.No anger could be detected but still I was afraid.The huge man surprisingly stayed still.I had thought he would retaliate."Wasn't I clear in my instructions?" He tilted his head to side,his eyes boring on the victim in front of him.

"I apologize." The huge man said quietly,not lifting his head up.

The big man shook his head and then turned to me."Your mother saved my life once.I owe her.I never go back on my words.And I gave my word to your mother.Starting today,you will live here." He stopped and glanced at the mess, my wet shoes had managed to make on the plush carpet.I swallowed thickly as he continued glaring at them. "There are some rules and when you live under my roof,you will obey them." His eyes lifted from my shoes to my face.It was a statement not a question on my willingness.

I nodded my head fast not wanting him mad at me as well.

He seemed satisfied with my response and headed back around to his chair.I stood there with the huge man, unsure of what to do next.The huge man seemed accustomed to this and thus stayed mute with his head down.

Another knock."Sir?"

The big man gave permission  and the same haughty lady from before came inside.

"Take care of her." He said in an authoritative voice.The haughty lady nodded without raising her head and stepped back, holding the door open for me.I couldn't get out fast enough.It was stifling inside and I didn't want to be in the big man's presence any longer.He scared me much more than the huge man I left inside.I breathed a sigh of relief as the haughty lady started to walk away briskly,expecting me to follow.I ran to keep up with her steps,trying not to let my bag fall.

We walked this way and that for a while and I followed with my eyes taking in my new home.Everything seemed so precious,so beautiful.It truly was a castle.We climbed the stairs .There were long corridors  on both sides.We turned right and went straight ahead.

Stopping before a door,the lady turned to me .Her face rigid."You can never enter this room and I should not find you lingering around this area.Am I clear?"

I looked from the door to her."Is it that big man's room?" I asked ,my curiosity getting better of me.

She huffed at my words,annoyed at my inquisitiveness."This room belongs to someone you can never ever even think about being near to.Understood?"She didn't wait for my reply and resumed her walk.Chancing another look at the door, I too followed her.Vowing to never go near that room.I didn't want to lose this home as well because of my selfishness.

At last we reached the end of the corridor,she opened the door and motioned for me to get inside.I didn't waste time and entered.I gasped."This will be my room?" I questioned.The haughty lady didn't answer and  walked to the closet.She took out new clothes for me to wear.I was stunned as I saw many more dresses hanging in the closet .They were all mine.All those pretty dresses and the big bed.I deposited my bag on ground and took the frock the lady held out to me.She pointed at the door which no doubt led to the bathroom.I opened it and smiled as I saw a huge tub in there.I always wanted one of those.

"Get changed and rest.I 'll bring your breakfast later." The mean lady said and shut the door on her way out.

I giggled louder as I twirled around taking in my new home.If only mama could see this.She too would have loved this.I quickly changed out of drenched black frock into the new one and got out.I bee lined for the bed and jumped on it.It bounced me back .I laughed hysterically.

This is so good.I know I'll really love it here.I clutched the cross across my neck .Mama's cross.No doubt she's watching me from above,taking care of me.

It was then and there  I decided that I will do anything to remain here.I will obey all the rules the big man said and I won't annoy anyone and I won't make anyone mad and I will behave and I will be the best girl they could find.

I won't lose this new home.And no blue-yellow eyed boy would make me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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