Chp.2: Emotional start

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Yaku opens the door to see his mum sat on the sofa, watching TV. Yaku took a deep breath and started to walk towards his mum. "Oh, Hey Yaku!" She chirped sweetly. "Um, Hey. C-Can I tell you something?" Yaku replied, starting to nervously stutter. "Sure what's on your mind?" She asked him. "W-well...
I'm gay..."
He blurted. His mum stood silent for a moment shocked of the words that came out of his mouth. Yaku closed his eyes hoping for a good reaction when suddenly he was slapped hard on the face. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me earlier you disgusting f*ggot!!" She yelled, knocking yaku to the floor. "H-huh!? What the hell?!" He trembled, He quickly got up and started to back up. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GAY? WHY CAN'T YOU BE NORMAL!?" She again yelled. Yaku froze in shock. "I'm your son! How could you say such a thing!?" He wailed back. "I WISH YOU WEREN'T MY SON!" She yelled, throwing a punch at yaku. "I wish you weren't my mum!" Yaku sobbed back, tear forming in his eyes only to start pouring down like a broken dam. He turned and rushed to his room. Before heading into his room, he went to check the bathroom. He looked at his face, he had a black eye in his left eye and a red mark on his cheek. He then walked out of the bathroom and into his room, closing the door. He slid down the door and started to cry. He was shaking with fear and anxiety, his heart was crushed into pieces. All he wanted at the time was lev to hold him in his arms to calm him down. P-perhaps I should tell Kuroo? None of the team know and it would make sense to tell the captain first...he willl definitely accept me thought I mean, he dating Kenma. Yaku thought before picking up his phone, tears still trickling down his cheeks. He texted Kuroo:

Yaku: Hey Kuroo, csn I telll you sonethibg ((sidenote: it's kind of messy/jibberish since yaku is still shaking))

Kuroo: Yeah sure! Kenma's here as well, should we call you? Also what's up with the typing? Not drunk are you 😂

Yaku: No! And suure you csn call mw.

Yaku now started to panic. What the fuck was I thinking!! He thought. He had forgotten about his cracked voice and sore eyes while texting Kuroo but his tear still didn't stop flowing.
Kuroo😼 is calling...
FaceTime?! He stopped and clicked answer, his face nowhere near the camera. As soon as it connected a voice blurted from behind the screen. "Hey Yak-kun! What did you wanna tell us? Wait." Kuroo paused. Morisuke started to get confused but then from the distance he heard Kuroo yelling at Kenma to 'get here' since Yaku wanted to tell them something. Kenma, still attached to his game, was dragged over to screen via Kuroo. "What did you want to tell us yaku?" Kuroo asked again. "I-" yaku croaked. "Hey why aren't you showing your face yaku? It's nothing new to us!"
"Let him speak idiot." Kenma hissed.
"If you insist..." yaku blurted, turning the camera towards his bruised face.
"WTF!? YAKU WHAT HAPPENED!? IM COMING OVER!!" Kuroo quickly Replied before rushing up and ending the call.

Great. He thought. Suddenly there was knock at the door. He quickly rushed and stumbled onto his bed, covering himself with his duvet. "Y-yaku?" Kuroo called. "What." Yaku cried. Kuroo sped walked in, Kenma steadily behind him. Kuroo sat on the bed and pulled at the duvet, revealing his tortured face. "Yaku, what happened..?" He asked him. Yaku sat up and flopped his head down into his hands. "I told my mum." He Replied, half muffled by his hands. "What?" Kenma added. "I'm gay.." Yaku didn't hesitate to say it. Kuroo wrapped his arms around yaku and hugged him, hoping it would calm him down.
Chapter 2! Sorry for a kind of cliff hanger but shit do be getting real in the next one. Hope you enjoyed and stay safe 😘
-Bløssøm bløøm/Will

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