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No one POV 
Kai, Lloyd, Jay glare at each other. Poor y/n don't know what going on until it hits her. "Ok, let's do this. Today Kai going to sleep with me then tomorrow, jay the next night is Lloyd. If that ok with you" The three boys look at each other and nodded. "Ok, I and jay will sleep on the couch," Lloyd said, glaring at Kai while Kai smirked.

We all said our goodnights and go to bed. Kai was already in bed I lift the covers. "I'm cold" I looked at Kai weirdly. " aren't you supposed to be the master of fire or something" "I must I have a cold" he whined. I signed and grab him and hold him close. He was very warm, not cold. Smart kid. I heard Kai snoring. I smiled a small smile as I go to sleep.

I woke up to see it was morning. I got up and went downstairs. I grab the box of waffles and start cooking. I still have that dream with the boy. Maybe I'm going insane, probably. I grab some pills and a bottle of water. The pill was strong. It was good for my health, well that was what the doctor said. I drink down the water and sit on the chairs. Waiting for the waffles to finish.

I opened my eyes to see I was in bed? Then it hit me. Y/n. I remember now, but she not next to me. Maybe she making breakfast. Please hope she didn't leave me- er us (Lloyd and jay). Now I need to use the bathroom.

I rub my eyes. I looked to see Lloyd sleeping. I yawned softly. "Good morning jay" I heard a soft voice said. I yelped. "Sorry jay, didn't mean to scare you" y/n. "It's alright," I said to y/n walking towards her. "what are you cooking" "I making waffles, can you please wake up Lloyd. I smiled at her and nodded. Time to wake up the sleepyhead.

Lloyd POV
I feel someone shaking me. "Wake up Lloyd, it's time for breakfast" I heard jay voice. "I'm up, I'm up," I said as I yawned. "Good morning y/n" "good morning Lloyd" I hug her leg and hide my face in it. I looked up to see Kai coming in. "Good morning yall," his raspy voice said. "Good morning," we all said.

A few minutes late
We finish eating breakfast and went to the living room. We sit in a comfortable silence until jay makes some jokes which we all laughed at. Then the doorbell ring.

I wonder who could that be. I walked and opened the door. No one was there. Strange I thought as I close the door. "Who was it?" Lloyd ask. "No one must be some kids" then we heard a noise. "What was that?" jay whisper
"I don't know" Lloyd whispers back.

Then another noise can be heard, and it's from the kitchen. Wait from the kitchen?! "Y/n, come back, we ain't dieing today," Kai said as he grabs my hand. "It must me be a ghost," jay said making a face. "Jay, ghost are not real," Lloyd said in a high-pitched voice. "Then what was ghost cole to you, huh?!" Jay screams at him. "Guys, shush," I said to them. Lloyd was hugging my leg out of fear.

"What if it's sally?" Everyone look at me weirdly, "what do you mean?" Jay asked, "whoops never mind. We getting side trike, do we made a run for it to the room or let one of us sacrifice to the thing". "Well then it ain't me,"  jay said. "Not it" reply Lloyd. "I'm not doing it" 

I spook leaving Kai last. "Oh come on, I know you hate but I didn't know you hate me this much" Kai said, "haha sweet revenge" jay reply to him. "Why you listen you bit- "ok ok, jay, Lloyd go upstairs, slowly, Kai goes to the kitchen to figure if it's a ghost or not".

Ok, that was a dumb thing to do, but it's a morning making our brain do dumb things.

Kai looked at me with the 'what-the-fuck' expression. I give him 'just do it'. He signed and his hands have the fire on them. "Alright, but if I die then I'll haunt you in your dreams" he glared at me. I laughed.

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