Chapter 22

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Dean's POV

I patiently stand behind Derick waiting for the doctor to say something. "Does that mouth have a tongue?" I ask, after waiting for her to speak for awhile. she shakes her head sacred.

"no, Its just that ma'am had a attack and she is now sleeping...She needs to rest for a week or two before she gets better. It will help her if she doesn't have any sexual actives" The female dumb female says. I share a look with Derick and by the smirk on his face I know he is think what I am thinking. 

We both look at the doctor making her more nervous, the doctor looks like she is in her late 20s and is married as she as a ring on. I smirk at her making her blush. 

Oh how My charms work every-time....

I walk over to her place my arm over her shoulders and I signal her nurses to follow me. Derick winks at me, and goes to check on Elenora. A'int no one stopping my sex. 

I take the ladies to the cells. The cells look like a part of the part and looks cozy and nice

From the outside.

But when you reach the inside, you know hell awaits. The cells have dried up blood on the walls and ground;that I was to lazy to call men to clean up. Then comes some. Oh God I can't even think about the smell as it will make me faint. It smells Dead cows but instead of dead cowsit's dead humans.

When the doctor and nurses enter the cell they start to shiver in fear. The blonde nurses even tryst to run but by men hold her in place. I laugh in my head feeling satisfied by there reaction. "P-please let me go! I did nothing!! " the brunette yells. 

That's when I laugh out loud, "don't worry nothing is going to happen to you. We will put you in a peaceful sleep. Only because you saved Elenora. We can't have a single soul know about our relationship with Elenora. Sorry" I say as they get shot by my men at the same time.  All done now I can peacefully go to my little baby. 

I run upstairs to the room where we kept Elenora. I enter the room, Derick sits by the window examining Elenora. "How is she?" I ask causing Derick to come out of his trance. He stares at me for a moment "better then before." He says and goes back to staring. 

He is acting weird..

"Are you alright? Your acting a b-no a lot weird"  I say. Derick sighs loudly and runs his hands through his already messy hair. "Remember when we made a deal with the British? Yeah they want to us to meet up to renew it like we do every year. Also we can't back out, if we do it will be breaking the contract and we will have to stop our shipments from going through the British property. That will be a big loss to our mafia.." He says sighing at the end. 

"Its only for 3 days, we will be fine as much as we want Elenora we need the power even more. Liam will take care of Elenora. We will be giving her a break like she needs and we will be getting our work done. Go get your bags ready!" I announce. Derick sighs in agreement and leaves to get his bags ready.

This is going to be one interesting trip..


It's all because of you guys! THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH! I am truly grateful and happy ♡♡

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It's all because of you guys! THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH! I am truly grateful and happy ♡♡

I am EXTREMELY sorry for the late AND short chapter. Truly ashamed. But no joke college is really annoying and hard and my professors are even more annoying! They give surprise test like all the time just to make sure 'we understand' bullshit!

Sorry for being rude but I am really annoyed, really needed to let it out...

Anyways thanks to @aishadis and @hamrabarkindo They follow me and made my goal come true! Also thanks to EVERYONE who follows and/or reads my books it makes me really happy! ♡♡♡♡

I am goaling for 30 followers now! You can help me reach that goal by simply pressing the follow button. I will be really happy to reach that goal. The FIRST PERSON to FOLLOW me by tomorrow will GET a SHOUT  OUT ! 

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In the Hands of the Two Demons (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now