Eddard Stark to Robert Baratheon

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Dear Robert,

What are we to do without you? I know that Your Grace is dead, but I need to write this. I have been taken prisoner by your son, who, you should know, really isn't your son. Queen Cersei has never loved you, and never bore you a child that is still alive. She had murdered one that you didn't know about. I will not tell you the father of the children, for it sickens me to speak of him. I should have told you this while you were still sitting on your throne, for now your wife's son is sitting there in your stead. He accuses me of being a traitor to the Seven Kingdoms, for I knew the truth about him, and his mother could not let that get out. I am almost certain that my Sansa still loves the false king, for she is young and blind to the fact that he is cruel... She will believe that I am a traitor. She will be safe, but Arya, my little girl... She will try to fight. She is only nine! And Robb, my heir, he is level headed, but he needs to understand not to march! If he marches on the House Lannister, he will die! It seems as though the Seven Kingdoms will be divided once more. And Bran, my son, if Winterfell is taken, he will die. A child of seven. He is crippled, he can't run. He will tell his direwolf to fight. He is brave, but braveness cannot beat the Warden of the West, nor the Hound, nor the Mountain that Rides, and neither will a direwolf. Rickon is just a babe of three, he does not deserve to die! Why did you have me leave Winterfell? Ser Barristan the Bold would be a better Hand than I! I should not be in this hole, I should be at home, blissfully unaware. I'm sorry Lord. This, this cannot be blamed on you, Your Grace. My King, I am ashamed. Jon, my son. I had forgotten. My son, yet not my dearest Catelyn's son. She has no love for my illegitimate. He is on the Wall, he has taken the black. He may be safe, but he can be rash. If he forsakes his oath, he will be hunted as a deserter, and considered as an enemy soldier by the Lannisters. I hope you are with Lyanna, wherever you are, even though you worshipped the Seven, and Lyanna the Old Gods. I will meet with you soon, Your Grace. Joffrey is a blood thirsty little one. I know he will have my head.

-Winter Is Coming

Lord Eddard Stark, Hand of the King, Lord Protector of the Seven Kingdoms.

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